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Queries about my crash


Senior Member
@Johnmac, just to clarify: Freddd's theory basically says you get symptoms only when your body is getting enough methylfolate to get cellular processes/cellular healing started, but not enough to keep it going.

Therefore, cutting methylfolate completely *will* stop your symptoms, simply because you're not getting enough to get much if anything started. Nothing started, or only going at a very low rate promoted by co-factors like mB12 means fewer or no sides.

But when re-starting methylfolate, taking too little will put you back where you were when you stopped. Your body "uses up" methylfolate like a car uses gas...if you don't keep the fuel at an acceptable minimum level, everything stops. Not taking enough to keep things going at an appropriate rate will cause symptoms again.

The theory is that this is why radically increasing mfolate is helpful. It keeps your body supplied so all the metabolic processes that use methylfolate, that are suddenly being kickstarted after being dormant, can get enough "gas" to keep them going.

I analogize it to an 8-cylinder engine only running on two cylinders (I know that's probably not possible but bear with me for metaphorical purposes). If you go from functioning on two cylinders to four cylinders, that radically increases the amount of gas (methlyfolate) your engine (your body) needs to "go" (heal and function optimally). Increasing from four cylinders to six means you need still more gas, etc.

That's kind of what it was like for me, esp. in the beginning...it was like suddenly I had cylinders firing that had been basically dead for years. I got pretty sick, but giving myself more gas got me over the worst of it pretty quickly.

Just my $0.02, in case the clarification is helpful. I mention it because you seem to be thinking that reducing methylfolate is the way to go based on your symptom pattern. This is the paradoxical part of Freddd's theory...it seems intuitive that because your symptoms stop when you stop methylfolate, that stopping and drastically reducing is the best course of action. This may not be the case.

Good news is that after about 8-9 months of steady Freddd's protocol I'm pretty stable and getting better every day. I have reduced my methylfolate dosage to between 8mg to 16mg per day, down after five or more months of 30+mg/day. Some days I take 16mg if I seem to be having some symptoms due to stress or whatever, but most days I'm around 8mg. I anticipate as I heal more I will be able to reduce methylfolate to what a normal, healthy person should take for optimal health. My estimate for that is around 4mg. At any rate, that's probably the minimum I will ever take.

Point being, as I have healed, the amount of methylfolate I've needed to combat side effects from healing has gone down drastically. But only as I've gotten better, and I got worse and needed more before I got better and needed less.

Again, your choice of how to proceed. Just sayin'. :)
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Senior Member
Thanks again @whodathunkit .

I kinda grasp the paradoxical deficiency theory, and who knows it may prove to be what's happening with me. But at the moment the idea of increasing mB12 (absolutely & relative to m-folate) seems more plausible because of the SNPs @sregan draws attention to. Plus the fact that I feel a lot better when I take mB12 (even with no m-folate).

Plus the fact that when I doubled my m-folate last week (1,600 to 3,200mcg/day) I felt worse than I've felt ever, I think. (And in an entirely new way: I didn't think I'd ever experience something to rival deep depression in awfulness.) It was a kind of jittery "pray for death" thing. So I don't want to go there again. I don't know if I could go there even if I thought it was something I had to go thru on the way to getting well.

I've got an open mind tho, and am in no position to shut the door to advice. (-:

Thanks again.


Senior Member
Thanks again @sregan .

I read your other posts, ta. Your methyl trap experiences sound similar to mine in some ways. I didn't have brainfog, but I did have that helpless feeling of dread (that something was terminally wrong). To put a positive spin on it, it was interesting to undergo somatic experiences I've never had before.

Yep, I'll keep up the m-folate, but have now understood that the ratio to mB12 needs to be quite a bit lower than my previous ~1:1. The symptoms of jitteriness & tension & lack of desire to work & anhedonia built slowly on that ratio, then when I doubled the m-folate within 30 minutes those symptoms exploded.

I didn't understand Dr Ben's methyl trap explanation unfortunately (no science background). But I guess the practical experience is there now: don't overdo the m-folate.

I didn't really follow the B2 stuff either. Um, do I need B2?

Thanks again for your responses, and for blazing this trail somewhat for me.


Senior Member
I don't understand how, but I think that the increased energy we get from mB12 is through the thyroid, and I think that after a couple of months on mB12 I became hypothyroid due to iodine insufficiency (I do have antibodies against the thyroid).


Don't know, Izzy. Time might tell.

My hands & feet are very cold since my crash - sure feels like low thyroid. On the other hand daytime temps were increasing very pleasingly up until the crash (sounds like improving thyroid).

But I'd be interested if you found some evidence that mB12 could ever lead to hypothyroid. Hopefully not.


Senior Member
Just to finish off this thread:

The crash has receded - I have gone from feeling "diabolical" to "crap" to (now) "so-so". I can work & function again.

Basically I stopped everything for 36 hours, then re-started the protocol with a 3:1 mB12/m-folate ratio. (A good look at my SNPs has reinforced this decision - every second mutation calls for "methyl B12".) I was improving anyway (on no DQs), but that seems to have accelerated it. More importantly, I'm hopeful it will prevent a recurrence.

For the last 3-4 days I wake in the mornings feeling crap, put an mB12 tab under my lip, go back to sleep for half an hour, and wake again feeling quite good. The "quite good" lasts the rest of the day, helped along by more mB12.

Thanks to all those who gave advice, particularly @Critterina and @sregan .


Senior Member
Don't know, Izzy. Time might tell.

My hands & feet are very cold since my crash - sure feels like low thyroid. On the other hand daytime temps were increasing very pleasingly up until the crash (sounds like improving thyroid).

But I'd be interested if you found some evidence that mB12 could ever lead to hypothyroid. Hopefully not.
Unfortunately I don't have any reliable references to cite, but it is only logical that if you have increased energy from taking B12 it IS firing up your thyroid. My feeling is that I have very low levels of iodine and this is the reason I had been living with lowered energy for the past years - to spare fuel. Then I took mB12 and mfolate and burnt a lot of fuel at once.
