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Pushing self and stress


Senior Member
Hi all
Today it seems I've ' woken up ' to how much I've been pushing myself to attend to much ' life things ' and getting so stressed .
In some ways I feel shame in how stressed I can get with just a few things ... But hey being housebound with chronic health who wouldn't !

Today I just let everything go and walked more slowly , absorbed the garden , watched the clouds and was just with myself in my body more. It felt good ...

Anyone relate to the pushing and stressing .....?


Senior Member
Hello @Emmarose47. Yes it's easy to push ourselves too hard or to have too many expectations. As you say, enjoy what's there for free. It's one of the reasons I love my back porch so, I can see plants, birds, watch our tomatoes ripen and it's like going elsewhere.

You seem to be doing much more these days; good news! Did you ever find a wheelchair that works for you? I hope so. Wishing you well. Yours, Lenora

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Glad you enjoyed the simple things in life today. It's easy to feel shame sometimes, but it never did anyone any good. If a battery doesn't hold a charge, does it feel shame?

Yesterday I got outside, walked a short distance, decided to visit the civic bench across the street. A scrap of lawn with dandelions, and a large valley oak wiht acorns woodpeckers, are adjacent. Pretty spot.

within two minutes, I decided to lie down on the bench. Oh boy did that ever feel good. Then I debated if I Looked like a homeless person, a drunk, or would be given a citation should the local police drive past. (lounging on public bench prohibited).

in the next town, they put metal bars across the benches, so nobody can lie down on them.


Senior Member
Yesterday I got outside, walked a short distance, decided to visit the civic bench across the street. A scrap of lawn with dandelions, and a large valley oak wiht acorns woodpeckers, are adjacent. Pretty spot.

within two minutes, I decided to lie down on the bench. Oh boy did that ever feel good. Then I debated if I Looked like a homeless person, a drunk, or would be given a citation should the local police drive past. (lounging on public bench prohibited).

in the next town, they put metal bars across the benches, so nobody can lie down on them.
Now if a girl with chronic health can't lay down on a bench ..... I want to get a t shirt printed ..
' I have myalgic encephalomyelitis 😊 stand back 😜


Senior Member
Hello @Emmarose47. Yes it's easy to push ourselves too hard or to have too many expectations. As you say, enjoy what's there for free. It's one of the reasons I love my back porch so, I can see plants, birds, watch our tomatoes ripen and it's like going elsewhere.

You seem to be doing much more these days; good news! Did you ever find a wheelchair that works for you? I hope so. Wishing you well. Yours, Lenora
Thanks Lenora
Ah no not doing better but have been happy today 😁
Yep had a wheelchair delivered ...for the future when I need to house look or medical appointment .
Agree nature is amazing ..
This piece of land always has activity and it's a complete joy ..
Amazing your Tom's are ripening ! Ours are about 80cm just got 1st flower

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Now if a girl with chronic health can't lay down on a bench ..... I want to get a t shirt printed ..
' I have myalgic encephalomyelitis 😊 stand back 😜

I could be Very civic! My bench is at a four way shady stop sign corner. Not real busy, but just the occasional car. Above acorn woodpeckers.

I could wear a sign....or deploy one...

"Orthostatically Intolerant"

"Gravity Wins"

"Yoga class did not work" (that sign I"d make for my friend three driveways down who has never come to see me.)(walks by with her dogs)

"Almost long Covid, here"


Senior Member
I could be Very civic! My bench is at a four way shady stop sign corner. Not real busy, but just the occasional car. Above acorn woodpeckers.

I could wear a sign....or deploy one...

"Orthostatically Intolerant"

"Gravity Wins"

"Yoga class did not work" (that sign I"d make for my friend three driveways down who has never come to see me.)(walks by with her dogs)

"Almost long Covid, here"
😁😁 'Vertically challenged '