Publish the FDA/NIH Papers: Email President Obama's Science Advisor, John Holdren


Senior Member
And here is the page to leave a message to Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't he the Premier of the first and only Province that has classified cfs as a neurological disease, meaning it is a recognized disease at least. I thanked him and encouraged him to take leadership in research and funding for centers of excellence.


Senior Member
Emailed Washington Post, Sebelius (DHHS), Frieden (CDC) and

I think it is time for ALL OF US to email Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, Director of the CDC ( ), and insist/DEMAND that HE be the one to finally clean up and deal with the CDC/CFS program once and for all.
Frieden needs to be made very aware of what is going on and that millions are aware and advocacy action will be taken -- and the CDC will finally be brought down.

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
And don't forget to contact journalists, as politicians need their arms twisted to change policy, especially if someone is already twisting their arms in the opposite direction.


Senior Member
Agree with BRC and DRyes. Don't bother with the researchers as they don't care what you/we all think. They just delete the emails anyway. And what would you say to them anyway? You people are idiots and didn't do a responsible study on XMRV? They know that already.

Hit the journalists, Congress/Parliament and others who can affect change and take action. I wouldn't email Reeves for any reason. Why? I think he knows how much the CFIDS community is furious at him and he is well aware he was removed from the CDC/CFS program prob. because of this pressure. I do want him prosecuted but that waits unitl the research and funding are upped hugely.