Problems with Redlabs Testing in Brussels

Well I called them before I had my blood drawn to make sure Doxy was ok. They said yes. The reason I called was that there was an article on Minocycline and hiv. It said mino dropped the viral load way down on blood infected with hiv. Doxy is in the same class of antibiotics.

I guess then it really wouldn't make sense to test the same blood that they have. I would need to be off Doxy for awhile then send in a new blood sample.

Which I would have been fine with it they had just told me.

Sure, if they accept to retest your blood, they should test it on a new sample. Give it a try and contact them again. They did answer me, unlike redlabs... :Retro mad:


Senior Member
I'm sorry to hear this. They changed since then, VipDx confirmed by email that antivirals and antibiotics WILL skew results (PCR testing in particular!). They added on their site the word "Medication" can skew results (or something like that)

Actually Alexmac, the word medication on their site related to a question on antivirals not ''general'' medicines. Context is important.

Even though things work differently on your side of the world to mine, what I find incredible is that your lawyers/insurers would proceed with this even before you got your test result back from RedLabs. What puzzles me from what you have said, is how they could even argue LOSS when it has not been established (ie they have no test result to prove a false negative - to start their claim on the basis that such a *result* was the direct cause from the antibiotics.) What are they going to do if your test result comes back positive?

Once again, here - in order to claim, I would think you have to show loss or injury and you would not get very far if you could not even point to a negative test result. Very interesting how things work on the other side of the Globe.

Actually Alexmac, the word medication on their site related to a question on antivirals not ''general'' medicines. Context is important.

Even though things work differently on your side of the world to mine, what I find incredible is that your lawyers/insurers would proceed with this even before you got your test result back from RedLabs. What puzzles me from what you have said, is how they could even argue LOSS when it has not been established (ie they have no test result to prove a false negative - to start their claim on the basis that such a *result* was the direct cause from the antibiotics.) What are they going to do if your test result comes back positive?

Once again, here - in order to claim, I would think you have to show loss or injury and you would not get very far if you could not even point to a negative test result. Very interesting how things work on the other side of the Globe.

I'm not even sure Insurance would need to be involved, EU consumer protection legislation is quite comprehensive and from what has been described Redlabs would appear to be in several breaches -perhaps the most obvious would be Misleading by leaving out information Of course Redlabs may have a very different perspective on the situation. How easy it would be to make a claim will depend on one's country of residence, cross border claims are more difficult than intra Country claims - there's information and help available via the ECCN

I wonder how long you have to be off meds before xmrv testing. I wanted to be off antibiotics for a month before the xmrv test. I called vipdx and they said it was fine. Think I waited 10 to 14 days anyway because I was worried about the article I had read about mino and hiv. I contacted them later again about my concerns with doxy because of the mino hiv article I had read. I asked them to read the article on mino and hiv.
I think I should have waited a bit to get tested. I got tested just a few months after the test became available. I think they know more about it now. I want to get retested again but am going to wait awhile and see. Next time I will wait at least 30 days off doxy to be tested.

Actually Alexmac, the word medication on their site related to a question on antivirals not ''general'' medicines. Context is important.

Says who? "MEdicines" has a general meaning. That is why patients need to ask on what kind of medication they should avoid before testing.

Even though things work differently on your side of the world to mine, what I find incredible is that your lawyers/insurers would proceed with this even before you got your test result back from RedLabs. What puzzles me from what you have said, is how they could even argue LOSS when it has not been established (ie they have no test result to prove a false negative - to start their claim on the basis that such a *result* was the direct cause from the antibiotics.) What are they going to do if your test result comes back positive?

I got the results yesterday. VipDx offered to retest me again even if they are positive for some of them. I didn't get the right information from Redlabs. This proves that even antibiotics can lead to wrong results.

Once again, here - in order to claim, I would think you have to show loss or injury and you would not get very far if you could not even point to a negative test result. Very interesting how things work on the other side of the Globe.

Interesting, what about a patient starting the wrong treatment because of a wrong result, you don't take that into account in your country?:(
Oh and I was on high dose doxy at the time. Normal dose is 200mg a day I was on 400mg a day for about a year prior to testing. I'm not trying to bash vipdx I think it's great that we have people trying to help!! I think it will just take time to get all the kinks worked out. I'm just going to wait and see before I decide if I want to get retested. But a HUGE thank you to all who are doing their best to figure this nightmare out!!
Aiden, according to VipDx you need to be off meds for at least a month. I was on antibiotics due to a neverending bronchitis during more than ten days, I stopped the treatment a few days before getting tested. When I asked Redlabs about any medication to be avoided, any necessary measures to take before testing, they said NOTHING, I should not stop my medication etc...
VipDx now tells people (who ask) about the kind of medication they should avoid, plus they clearly put it on their website that medication can skew results.

If I get tested again, who should I trust: VipDx who answered me (after harassing them with many emails but at least they listened to me and gave me an answer in the end and a solution) or Redlabs who only told me "go see VipDx" and never answer my emails or phonecalls? Should I try THEIR positive results? NO Should I get retested by VipDx? YES.


Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
My VIP Dx Experience

The following has been on the VIP Dx website FAQ page since at least last September:

Q: Should I stop taking antiviral medications prior to testing?

A: Medications can reduce the viral load to such a low copy that it cannot be detected by PCR/culture. The serology test is less sensitive to antiviral medications. CONSULT with your physician regarding your current medications and/or treatments and when you should proceed with your testing.

The following is the link to their FAQ page.

In addition to the VIP Dx website reference I provided in Post #12, I also reviewed my XMRV blood draw instructions that VIP Dx sent me with the specimen kit. I ordered the test kit as soon as the new serology test was available in September of 2010.

The following is the exact text from the kit instructions under the Collection Instructions section:

With physician approval, finish all anti-viral or anti-bacterial medications and wait 21 days before testing.

While I am not here to necessarily defend VIP Dx, based on my own experience, they did an excellent job communicating information relative to medications. This information was in the instructions and I did not need to ask or dig for it.

Additionally, at least in the US, I do not believe blood test labs are allowed to give medical advice and tell patients to go off medication without physician approval. I do not have a medical or legal background, so anyone with better knowledge please feel free to correct the above statement.

I do not know the relationship between VIP Dx and Redlabs or why Redlabs would refer you to VIP Dx. You do not appear to have any direct relationship with VIP Dx at this time.

While I believe the topic (medications to discontinue before testing) of this thread is very useful information for those looking to be tested for XMRV, the undertones of the thread seem to suggest that VIP Dx and Redlabs are negligent in their responsibilities. While that may be the case for Redlabs, my experience with VIP Dx suggests the opposite.

I can definitely empathize with your frustration over the long wait for results. My results ultimately took about twice as long as the lab originally estimated (10+ weeks). With the longer backlogs they are now experiencing, those wait time are just pushed out further.

Best wishes to you in obtaining your correct results. Some of the content of this thread may be more meaningful after you get your results.
Aiden, according to VipDx you need to be off meds for at least a month. I was on antibiotics due to a neverending bronchitis during more than ten days, I stopped the treatment a few days before getting tested. When I asked Redlabs about any medication to be avoided, any necessary measures to take before testing, they said NOTHING, I should not stop my medication etc...
VipDx now tells people (who ask) about the kind of medication they should avoid, plus they clearly put it on their website that medication can skew results.

If I get tested again, who should I trust: VipDx who answered me (after harassing them with many emails but at least they listened to me and gave me an answer in the end and a solution) or Redlabs who only told me "go see VipDx" and never answer my emails or phonecalls? Should I trust THEIR positive results (that is to day the tests performed at the redlabs)? NO. Should I get retested by VipDx? YES.

Just corrected a the last phrase cause I made a mistake while typing... brainfog!
In addition to the VIP Dx website reference I provided in Post #12, I also reviewed my XMRV blood draw instructions that VIP Dx sent me with the specimen kit. I ordered the test kit as soon as the new serology test was available in September of 2010.

The following is the exact text from the kit instructions under the Collection Instructions section:

• With physician approval, finish all anti-viral or anti-bacterial medications and wait 21 days before testing.

While I am not here to necessarily defend VIP Dx, based on my own experience, they did an excellent job communicating information relative to medications. This information was in the instructions and I did not need to ask or dig for it.

Additionally, at least in the US, I do not believe blood test labs are allowed to give medical advice and tell patients to go off medication without physician approval. I do not have a medical or legal background, so anyone with better knowledge please feel free to correct the above statement.

As you say "in the US"... we have laws here in Europe concerning this matter. ;)

I do not know the relationship between VIP Dx and Redlabs or why Redlabs would refer you to VIP Dx. You do not appear to have any direct relationship with VIP Dx at this time.

I do in the sense that my serology test was performed at VipDx. People working at the Redlabs were supposed to have been trained by VipDx at least for PCR. This is the test that was performed at Redlabs. So I got tested by VipDx in terms of serology and Pcr at Redlabs. I hope this answer your question.

While I believe the topic (medications to discontinue before testing) of this thread is very useful information for those looking to be tested for XMRV, the undertones of the thread seem to suggest that VIP Dx and Redlabs are negligent in their responsibilities. While that may be the case for Redlabs, my experience with VIP Dx suggests the opposite.

You might be right on this point, Redlabs were extremely negligent. That's why VipDx suggested to get tested at their lab, but still sending blood to Reno from Europe might be quite an issue...

I can definitely empathize with your frustration over the long wait for results. My results ultimately took about twice as long as the lab originally estimated (10+ weeks). With the longer backlogs they are now experiencing, those wait time are just pushed out further.

That was probably the only information I got from Redlabs: long delays. I can understand the fact that this is a complicated test and that time is needed to get a "reliable" result (or let's say to avoid false negatives, as much as they can at this stage of research) I hope you got the results you expected and that you're now being followed-up by a good physician

Best wishes to you in obtaining your correct results. Some of the content of this thread may be more meaningful after you get your results.

Actually I got the results and the reaction VipDx when I sent the "sheet of paper" I got from Redlabs (no letter attached giving a brief explanation on a positive or negative result, nothing), makes me think they are more "honest" than Redlabs... Time will say... Thank you for your wishes.


Senior Member
Interesting, what about a patient starting the wrong treatment because of a wrong result, you don't take that into account in your country?:(

To answer your question Alexmac, sadly, no - not when an individual by passes a physican and deals directly with a lab, as it appears you did.

I got the results yesterday. VipDx offered to retest me again even if they are positive for some of them. I didn't get the right information from Redlabs. This proves that even antibiotics can lead to wrong results

What great timing.

So are you saying your results were positive, but that you are not happy and that VipDx is offering to retest you (''VipDx offered to retest me again even if they are positive for some of them'') - and the fact that VipDx is offering to do this is proves your point (antibiotics can lead to wrong results?)
All wrong again

To answer your question Alexmac, sadly, no - not when an individual by passes a physican and deals directly with a lab, as it appears you did.

Well it appears that many people get tested, it appears that many people want to know what's wrong and also "it appears" that many doctors don't know how to treat patients and dismiss them. I am not bypassing a physician, why are you here? Are you really sick with this? Why do you openly blame the patient? If you're really sick (which honestly I doubt) you'll be thankful if research progresses thanks to people like US who "bypassed physicians"... :Retro mad:

What great timing.

Exaclty, I'm suspicious about this "great timing" from Redlabs. Just to give me a positive result on PCR when I've been trying to contact them for not having provided their "clients" with the correct information before testing, hence my doubt (how can I trust them??).

So are you saying your results were positive, but that you are not happy and that VipDx is offering to retest you (''VipDx offered to retest me again even if they are positive for some of them'') - and the fact that VipDx is offering to do this is proves your point (antibiotics can lead to wrong results?)

You're confusing everything, when I wrote this thread I was "not happy" for not having been warned about antibiotics before getting tested. When I got my results on March 17th (Irish luck my a*se) I sent my results to VipDx for advise, since Redlabs wouldn't answer. They said that due to antibiotics the serology result might be wrong and yes, they suggested that I do this one again (the serology test was negative). Is it clear now?


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
It's amazing VIP Dx would retest you, even if there was no relationship between you and them. I like their attitude...

"Funny" RedLabs would tell you to contact VIP Dx. That's their job, there was no contract between you and VIP Dx.

I don't think they would fake the positive result just so that they don't have to retest you, the cost of a new test seems quite small, but you never know, everything is possible...
It's amazing VIP Dx would retest you, even if there was no relationship between you and them. I like their attitude...

I had to insist since nobody would give me an answer but yes since the serology test was done there, and even if I tested "positive" by redlabs (what a funny coincidence to get the results at the same time I was sending them endless emails and phonecalls to get an explanation as to why I was not warned about antibiotics). As for VipDx, I am glad they changed their attitude. We'll see what happens next now.

"Funny" RedLabs would tell you to contact VIP Dx. That's their job, there was no contract between you and VIP Dx.

Of course it's THEIR job, but not only they wouldn't answer my questions their answer was just a one phrase email: "contact the VipDx" and that was all...! :eek:

I don't think they would fake the positive result just so that they don't have to retest you, the cost of a new test seems quite small, but you never know, everything is possible...

As you say everything is possible, and I prefer to take precautions, my results came way too quickly right after my complaint. Sorry but it look suspicious to me. And the fact that after showing my results VipDx advised me to get retested in spite of my "positive" result by redlabs... well it's all too weird to me. I'll be paying to get retested by VipDx (cause I think I'll do PCR as well) I don't trust Redlabs anymore... The cost of retesting me would not be "that" small considering (560 euros is not "that small") the fact that most people prefer to get tested in Reno rather than Belgium... and not all Belgium patients get tested either... :confused:


@ AlexMac at first post March 15th, 2011 02:58 AM

Hi! Your link is infected with virus too, can you remove it from your post please - think we are infectet allready if y know what i mean ^^ :(

Regards mhj


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Oh, you have to pay for the retesting? In this case i misunderstood you and it's not like they're doing you a favour.

I didn't mean the costs are small for a patient. 560 Euros is a lot. But certainly the costs associated with a test are smaller than this for RedLabs, if not, the testing would not make sense for them economically. So i think for them, having to provide one free test would not be a reason to take that risk and give you a fake result.


Senior Member
To answer your question Alexmac, sadly, no - not when an individual by passes a physican and deals directly with a lab, as it appears you did.

Well it appears that many people get tested, it appears that many people want to know what's wrong and also "it appears" that many doctors don't know how to treat patients and dismiss them. I am not bypassing a physician, why are you here? Are you really sick with this? Why do you openly blame the patient? If you're really sick (which honestly I doubt) you'll be thankful if research progresses thanks to people like US who "bypassed physicians"...

Alex you asked me this:
Interesting, what about a patient starting the wrong treatment because of a wrong result, you don't take that into account in your country
, and I politely answered, as shown above. As I said, sadly, that is how it is in my country, as I understand it.

You then said this:

Exaclty, I'm suspicious about this "great timing" from Redlabs. Just to give me a positive result on PCR when I've been trying to contact them for not having provided their "clients" with the correct information before testing, hence my doubt (how can I trust them??).[/
Actually, Alex my remark about the coincidence of the arrival of your result, had absolutely nothing to do with Redlabs.

Let me be perfectly clear here Alex, I believe Red labs is first rate and very ethical.

I believe your latest insinuation directed towards them regarding your result, goes too far.

To be perfectly frank Alex, I am tired of your rudeness and the only thing I am suspicious about right now, is you and your arrival at the forum starting up this inflammatory thread (on your first post) -prematurely (because you did not even have a test result) calling others to to take action against one of only two labs in the world (and the only one in Europe/your part of the world) that are providing this test in a fast moving, highly political environment.

By starting this thread without a test result, you also seemed totally oblvious or had complete disregard to any anxiety that you may have also caused others ie: causing them to now question their test results from Redlabs. I am sure that you will say that you were simply doing this to help others - but if you wanted to do that, you should have waited until all your results were in and re confirmed.

What you did - by starting a thread of this nature, without even having a test result- was in my mind, unnecessarily damning and irresponsible.
Alex you asked me this: , and I politely answered, as shown above. As I said, sadly, that is how it is in my country, as I understand it.

You then said this:

Actually, Alex my remark about the coincidence of the arrival of your result, had absolutely nothing to do with Redlabs.

Let me be perfectly clear here Alex, I believe Red labs is first rate and very ethical.

Oh really?? how can you know them so well being American and living in the US as you are??

I believe your latest insinuation directed towards them regarding your result, goes too far.

Not at all, I just talked about MY experience. This does not concern me, it's just your PERSONAL opinion.

To be perfectly frank Alex, I am tired of your rudeness and the only thing I am suspicious about right now, is you and your arrival at the forum starting up this inflammatory thread (on your first post) -prematurely (because you did not even have a test result) calling others to to take action against one of only two labs in the world (and the only one in Europe/your part of the world) that are providing this test in a fast moving, highly political environment.

1- I've never been rude to you, but won't stand any patronising attitude from anyone, specially a complete stranger that "shows up" saying he's American, doesn't know "anything about Redlabs" but publicly ends up by "defending their interests". At least I speak from EXPERIENCE, UNLIKE YOU.

2- It wasn't prematurely said since I had already taken the test by the time I started the thread and I was told that my results would be skewed by antibiotics (this was confirmed by the first lab in the world that offer these tests and advises people about medication: VipDx) which in fact might have been the case for the serology test.

3-My point is for people TO BE AWARE. I think it is very clear you are not a patient, probably not American and you're probably defending other people' s interests.

By starting this thread without a test result, you also seemed totally oblvious or had complete disregard to any anxiety that you may have also caused others ie: causing them to now question their test results from Redlabs. I am sure that you will say that you were simply doing this to help others - but if you wanted to do that, you should have waited until all your results were in and re confirmed.

AGAIN my suspicion was confirmed by VIPDX, so this thread was meant for European people to BE AWARE. People can wait, people can go ahead and do the test at Redlabs, everyone is free whatever they like, but they should be aware of this risk.

What you did - by starting a thread of this nature, without even having a test result- was in my mind, unnecessarily damning and irresponsible.

No, I'm sure many people will think twice and get all the necessary information before getting tested. What YOU are doing is defending other people's interests. This is a business, isn't it? After all, we're only clients to these labs, fine then, but at least the least we can ask is ACCURATE INFORMATION. Giving the wrong information NOW THAT IS DAMNING AND IRRESPONSIBLE!