In addition to the VIP Dx website reference I provided in Post #12, I also reviewed my XMRV blood draw instructions that VIP Dx sent me with the specimen kit. I ordered the test kit as soon as the new serology test was available in September of 2010.
The following is the exact text from the kit instructions under the Collection Instructions section:
• With physician approval, finish all anti-viral or anti-bacterial medications and wait 21 days before testing.
While I am not here to necessarily defend VIP Dx, based on my own experience, they did an excellent job communicating information relative to medications. This information was in the instructions and I did not need to ask or dig for it.
Additionally, at least in the US, I do not believe blood test labs are allowed to give medical advice and tell patients to go off medication without physician approval. I do not have a medical or legal background, so anyone with better knowledge please feel free to correct the above statement.
As you say "in the US"... we have laws here in Europe concerning this matter.
I do not know the relationship between VIP Dx and Redlabs or why Redlabs would refer you to VIP Dx. You do not appear to have any direct relationship with VIP Dx at this time.
I do in the sense that my serology test was performed at VipDx. People working at the Redlabs were supposed to have been trained by VipDx at least for PCR. This is the test that was performed at Redlabs. So I got tested by VipDx in terms of serology and Pcr at Redlabs. I hope this answer your question.
While I believe the topic (medications to discontinue before testing) of this thread is very useful information for those looking to be tested for XMRV, the undertones of the thread seem to suggest that VIP Dx and Redlabs are negligent in their responsibilities. While that may be the case for Redlabs, my experience with VIP Dx suggests the opposite.
You might be right on this point, Redlabs were extremely negligent. That's why VipDx suggested to get tested at their lab, but still sending blood to Reno from Europe might be quite an issue...
I can definitely empathize with your frustration over the long wait for results. My results ultimately took about twice as long as the lab originally estimated (10+ weeks). With the longer backlogs they are now experiencing, those wait time are just pushed out further.
That was probably the only information I got from Redlabs: long delays. I can understand the fact that this is a complicated test and that time is needed to get a "reliable" result (or let's say to avoid false negatives, as much as they can at this stage of research) I hope you got the results you expected and that you're now being followed-up by a good physician
Best wishes to you in obtaining your correct results. Some of the content of this thread may be more meaningful after you get your results.