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probably need methylation startup but have FMS, not CFS

My symptoms fit more with FMS than CFS, but I started taking a small amount of dibencozide this week and my anxiety levels and brain fog are GREATLY improved. It seems I need the methylation protocol. I have seen instances in which people with CFS don't like to be lumped in with FMS, but doesn't it seem possible that there are many symptom clusters that can result from methylation problems? My fatigue is not as bad as someone with CFS, but I have enormous muscle pain and brain fog, and I take serious medications to survive it (a large dose of neurontin and risperdal---I can't function without these). I also have bipolar and OCD and bad insomnia, which I see on the symptom lists can result from methlylation problems.

I also suspect possible heavy metal toxicity. I need to get a hair test.
