pressure in head feeling waxes and wanes for me. I do not feel pain with this pressure...........kind of feels like my head is stuffed with something...........feels real fuzzy like I am under water or water on the brain! I will feel a little dizzy and off balance if the pressure is more than usual............also sometimes it feels like my brain is running a fever with the pressure feeling.
I believe many here might have sinus infections causing some of the pressure (I also have chronic sinusitis for ten years now) however sinus infections generally speaking should not affect the cognition, any doctor will tell you that. My opinion that many might have Lyme Disease or other co-infections that have managed to get into the brain.
I am really sick again for 4 months now, head pressure, bone and joint pain, dizziness, fatigue, off balance .. this is my 4 th flare in the last 3 years and desperate because I do not afford a treatment.. I was diagnosed with Lyme based on clinical symptoms but the tests was negative., CFS and fibromyalgia.
Recently I was reading about babesia a coinfection of lyme. It said that one symptom was frontal headaches similar to frontal sinus infections.
but frontal sinus infections can be quite debilitating on their own and cause severe fatigue and head pressure. Frontal sinuses are probably more severe and more difficult to treat than maxillary sinusitis.
Chronic sinus infections can be a sign of some type of immune deficiency like immunoglobulin subclasses or neutropenia and probably other immune cell defiency.
Supplementing folic acid prevents or resolves most of the migraine symptoms for me, even though my MTHFR C677T is normal. Though the only trigger in my case is MSG/E621, so avoiding that completely prevents my migraines.I recently stumbled upon a link between high homocysteine and migraines: