Cindi - Sorry to bring up an old topic, but it comes up top of google so wanted to add my two cents for any who come across this. I hope you are feeling a lot better with your head pressure now.
I get a pressure in the centre of my forehead and sometimes all the way down through my teeth. I also noticed that you briefly mentioned involuntary muscle movement - I get that too! Sometimes I feel there is a gentle tugging of my head one way or another, my jaw will gently starting swinging about, or I've even had pumping sensations in my lower back and neck that have caused me to rock backwards and forwards. I also get weird muscle contractions in my face and neck and even sometimes in my fingers. It was like my fingers were pumping as would my heart. It is very odd indeed!
I had the pressure in the centre of the forehead for years (long before I had ME) but all of these other symptoms came on all at once when I increased my rest and let go of worrying about the pressure. When it all came on I also got intense muscle weakness, dizziness, formication around the spine and other neurological symptoms too. Fortunately these extras have now disappeared (this is a couple of months from onset).
I mentioned the feeling of pressure to my osteopath that is treating me with the Perrin Technique. She said this is common in PWME, as it is where the spinal fluid flows through the cribriform plate into the lymphatic system (I note some people mentioned a high CSF pressure). It is a good indicator that your neural detoxification pathways are sluggish and need a boost to get them moving (this could very easily explain the associated brain fog and according to Perrin explains ME for a number of people generally). The Perrin Technique remedies this issue by correcting spinal misalignment to rebalance the autonomic nervous system and encourage healthy movement of spinal fluid, in addition to manual lymphatic drainage to ensure that the toxins are escaping the body. Accordingly, I think the neurological symptoms I experienced at the onset of this weirdness were likely detox symptoms.
I have noted other people (on this forum but not this thread) who have mentioned a pumping sensation in the spine like me. According to the world of osteopathy this is the Cranial Mechanism attempting to pump the CSF - another indicator that things are impaired back there.
My osteopath could not explain the other weird stuff going on in my face, but I am choosing to believe it is to do with the lymphatic system as it seems to match the other stuff going on. If I don't have faith that it is part of the lymph then this stuff becomes very scary. It does seem to fit the bigger picture if one has faith in the Perrin Technique. Additionally, I have found sources linking the Cranial Mechanism to the mandible, which might explain why I have had such weird jaw movements (these have now also subsided).
The Perrin Technique is still just a theory, however it does have the interest of some serious scientists at (I think) Salford University, and is on its second NHS trial, so there is some credibility to the theory and it can't be discarded as mere quackery. Dr Perrin's (honorary PhD for his work on ME from Salford University, not MD) book is a very good read in my opinion. He has spent 25 years carefully investigating ME and refining his thesis and is a well supported and referenced book throughout.
I am seeing a neurologist in a few months and I will ask him/her to check my CSF pressure. If I remember I will try to post back here regarding how I get on.