pressure in head


Senior Member
What comes to mind for unilateral head pain relieved by massage are 2 pain syndromes. The first is referred pain from trigger points in the neck. Look up trigger point charts: muscle trigger points tend to refer pain in a predictable pattern. Massage can help release the trigger points, which are very hard nodules in the muscles from constant tension. Here's one link:

The other possibility for one-sided head pain that is relieved by massage is referred pain from facet joints in the neck. Again these have predictable areas of distribution. Here's one picture, though it's not the best:

Why you would have cognitive issues might be because pain itself when bad enough overwhelms the brain's attentional capacity. Some of the trigger points can cause nausea and vertigo as well.

Best of luck, I hope you find a way to feel better soon.

This was exactly what i needed. Thanks.. Thanks so much.

Mary Poppins

75% Smurf
Get well soon, Cindi. I know the pain you're experiencing. It does pass, and hopefully you can identify the trigger/cause really soon. It's different for everyone. xo


Senior Member
@Cindi - Sorry to bring up an old topic, but it comes up top of google so wanted to add my two cents for any who come across this. I hope you are feeling a lot better with your head pressure now.

I get a pressure in the centre of my forehead and sometimes all the way down through my teeth. I also noticed that you briefly mentioned involuntary muscle movement - I get that too! Sometimes I feel there is a gentle tugging of my head one way or another, my jaw will gently starting swinging about, or I've even had pumping sensations in my lower back and neck that have caused me to rock backwards and forwards. I also get weird muscle contractions in my face and neck and even sometimes in my fingers. It was like my fingers were pumping as would my heart. It is very odd indeed!

I had the pressure in the centre of the forehead for years (long before I had ME) but all of these other symptoms came on all at once when I increased my rest and let go of worrying about the pressure. When it all came on I also got intense muscle weakness, dizziness, formication around the spine and other neurological symptoms too. Fortunately these extras have now disappeared (this is a couple of months from onset).

I mentioned the feeling of pressure to my osteopath that is treating me with the Perrin Technique. She said this is common in PWME, as it is where the spinal fluid flows through the cribriform plate into the lymphatic system (I note some people mentioned a high CSF pressure). It is a good indicator that your neural detoxification pathways are sluggish and need a boost to get them moving (this could very easily explain the associated brain fog and according to Perrin explains ME for a number of people generally). The Perrin Technique remedies this issue by correcting spinal misalignment to rebalance the autonomic nervous system and encourage healthy movement of spinal fluid, in addition to manual lymphatic drainage to ensure that the toxins are escaping the body. Accordingly, I think the neurological symptoms I experienced at the onset of this weirdness were likely detox symptoms.

I have noted other people (on this forum but not this thread) who have mentioned a pumping sensation in the spine like me. According to the world of osteopathy this is the Cranial Mechanism attempting to pump the CSF - another indicator that things are impaired back there.

My osteopath could not explain the other weird stuff going on in my face, but I am choosing to believe it is to do with the lymphatic system as it seems to match the other stuff going on. If I don't have faith that it is part of the lymph then this stuff becomes very scary. It does seem to fit the bigger picture if one has faith in the Perrin Technique. Additionally, I have found sources linking the Cranial Mechanism to the mandible, which might explain why I have had such weird jaw movements (these have now also subsided).

The Perrin Technique is still just a theory, however it does have the interest of some serious scientists at (I think) Salford University, and is on its second NHS trial, so there is some credibility to the theory and it can't be discarded as mere quackery. Dr Perrin's (honorary PhD for his work on ME from Salford University, not MD) book is a very good read in my opinion. He has spent 25 years carefully investigating ME and refining his thesis and is a well supported and referenced book throughout.

I am seeing a neurologist in a few months and I will ask him/her to check my CSF pressure. If I remember I will try to post back here regarding how I get on.


Senior Member
I should also add that at the onset of this recent weirdness I got large, painful spots forming above many of the major lymph nodes in my face and neck, and also right on top of the cribriform plate (between the eyes). Additionally, I had foamy urine which for me has always been possibly a symptom of detoxification as it seems to co-inside with periods of feeling worse before feeling better and has not been found by any of three urine tests to indicate proteinuria.

I am sure I have had other indicators that have validated this as an explanation for me, but I am currently very foggy as I had a osteopathic treatment yesterday which has left me a bit bedraggled.
For me I think the heavy pressure and concussed feelings are related to my upper cervical spine where my head joins my neck.

Strangely I find the sleeping pill Zopiclone is the only thing that really helps. If I don't fall asleep with it my head clears and feels less crushed and under pressure - sometimes I take a small amount durin the day if I need to be able to concentrate better on something.
Do you have any orthopaedicproblems with your spine?

I have disc bulges and bone growing where t shouldn't be.

Also had to have spinal surgery to prevent paralysis.

Although I had the ME diagnosis first I suspect that the problems were already there and may cause at least some of the wierder symtoms.


iherb code TAK122
No I don't think so, but have had chronic back problems for over 20yrs before getting ME about which no-one could tell me what was wrong - I saw an orthopaedic surgeon a couple of years ago who said I just needed to do exercises, I can't move my lower back at times, but my neck, shoulders and top of my spine just feel so sore and inflamed


conscientious objector
No I don't think so, but have had chronic back problems for over 20yrs before getting ME about which no-one could tell me what was wrong - I saw an orthopaedic surgeon a couple of years ago who said I just needed to do exercises, I can't move my lower back at times, but my neck, shoulders and top of my spine just feel so sore and inflamed
She is partially right . Stretching with a inversion table is a good deal


iherb code TAK122
The pressure in my head would be unbearable if I used an inversion table.
He was also a know it all who thought a few good long walks etc was the best cure for ME.


conscientious objector
I know the feeling . For me it's a direct sign that I am weak . When I first became sick , the headaches .... or working long hours .... The inversion is more for joints and muscles . I thought I had a back ache . The inversion chased the problem way down to the origin . Lower pelvic area . Maybe it's Fibro . Not a big deal now .


Patient in training
@Cindi before you get a diagnosis from a forum and from patients who haven't examined you, or known the extent of it and known your history, I would, if I were you, go to your physician and get a physical exam and perhaps imaging on your head.

Everybody wants to help however no one can decide that indeed your headache is benign.

Please get a professional opinion.


conscientious objector
The Pressure in your head . Especially in the front , Forehead region . It's a classic symptom.
Before anything . I would try some Ibuprofen with quite a bit of water . And take it easy for about
1-2 weeks . The pain will probably retreat .


Senior Member
The Pressure in your head . Especially in the front , Forehead region . It's a classic symptom.
Before anything . I would try some Ibuprofen with quite a bit of water . And take it easy for about
1-2 weeks . The pain will probably retreat .
It's not stress, or overwork. It's ME. The headache is a common symptom, and it can be constant. It's due to inflammation, and NSAIDs typically don't touch it.


iherb code TAK122
Mine has been permanent for the past 2 and half years, no amount of ibuprofen, aspirin etc will clear it. Its not a headache. Its something totally different.


conscientious objector
That's too bad . Does it ever go away ? I do get the Headache . And sometimes Fibro . But only when I get really weak and worn down . Sounds like ME is a stronger version of Cfs .


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I have no fibro and for the last two months I have brain fog and feel like someone pumped air into my cranium. You just live with it.


Senior Member
High EPA&DHA fish oil 3 times per day keeps it away for me. It takes about a day to take effect, and the headache comes back if I forget to take the fish oil for about a day.