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Polycystic ovary syndrome


Senior Member
My wife has been diagnosed with this recently.... Any others on here have this? Any luck with the protocol treating this?

Mary Poppins

75% Smurf
What symptoms of PCOS does she have? Are you guys trying to conceive a child? If she's experiencing active and frustrating PCOS symptoms, I suggest a homeopathy/naturopathy approach.


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
I've been researching mmp-9 in relation to inflammatory illnesses and found this website about PCOS because it mentions mmp-9 amongst other things. It might be useful to you. There may still be an issue with her methylation cycle/glutathione depletion.



Senior Member
What symptoms of PCOS does she have? Are you guys trying to conceive a child? If she's experiencing active and frustrating PCOS symptoms, I suggest a homeopathy/naturopathy approach.

Yes we are trying to conceive a child. I guess she isn't ovulating. I didn't get the details. Small spots on ovaries, blood tests indicated PCOS, and no period. Also, she has adult acne. Not severe acne or anything. Just more than an average adult.

The doctor wants us to try clomid. I was wondering if anyone with CFS had any experiences. The two may not be related. Her mother had PCOS and used clomid to conceive. Also, her mother doesn't have any CFS issues.

Mary Poppins

75% Smurf
I'm aware that Clomid can take some time to be effective when used to enhance fertility. I'm assuming your wife has had pelvic ultrasounds?

I don't know much about any direct linkages between ME/CFS and PCOS, I'm afraid.