POLL: Swollen lymph nodes: Did you have these before getting ME/CFS, or did they only appear after?

For those with swollen lymph nodes, and a clearcut infectious (or other cause) onset of ME/CFS:

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Senior Member
East Sussex
(a) Do you have swollen lymph nodes as part of your CFS symptoms?
Mine are not painfully swollen but constantly enlarge to 'pea-size' from usual size, slightly tender to touch and squeeze.
(b) Were these swollen lymph nodes present before the triggering event/infectious agent (such as a virus) that you believe precipitated your CFS, or did they only appear after your experienced your triggering event/infectious agent?

I had noticed that in about two years run up to my onset of ME/cfs that when ever I became tired or run down with illness or just overdoing life, then these nodes would become enlarged and become slightly sore. Particularly the two either side of the jaw on the neck, and one in the middle of the neck between the shoulders at the bottom of the throat.

Now they are permanently enlarged.
@ChrisD I have had the same experience with lymph nodes that you describe. For years I would feel the nodes on either side of my jaw swell up and become tender when I felt run down, usually from stress and overdoing it. They would disappear once I felt better.

They came back eight months ago, and have remained permanently enlarged. Three months ago an ultrasound showed seven enlarged nodes in my neck ranging from 1.3cm to 2.7cm.

For me they do not seem connected to any viral activity or sore throat, but they coincide with all my other ME/CFS symptoms.


I was going to open a poll, because mine didn’t start till year 8 or so of
Being sick, so this made me question if I had cfs since mine was slow onset. So I wonder is lymph node pain, progression of disease or like random???


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I've now transcribed a lot more of my health diary, and have an entry in 2001 (6 years after obvious ME) saying:

"Whole upper front part of throat seems swollen. Not particularly tender on outside."


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Doing a search and found this post of mine from June 3rd, 2014:

"I used to have swollen neck glands almost every day when I woke up, but this has decreased greatly in the past few weeks, which I am guessing is due to the cortisol-raising effects of the 5-HTP. I think I forgot to take it last night, and my glands are swollen for the first time in weeks."

I quit the 5-HTP, and have swollen neck glands again. Connected?