The National ME/FM Action Network of Canada spearheaded the drive for the development of an expert consensus document for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). In response to increasing numbers of patients inquiring about doctors knowledgeable about ME/CFS, the Network sent a questionnaire to doctors across Canada asking what items would be most helpful in assisting them with their ME/CFS patients. The physicians concurred that a clinical definition, as well as diagnostic and treatment protocols were of prime importance.
The National ME/FM Action Network then approached two clinicians knowledgeable about ME/CFS and experienced in its diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Bruce Carruthers of British Columbia and Dr. Anil Jain of Ontario kindly agreed to co- author a draft document. Lydia Neilson, President of the National ME/FM Action Network, met with the Honourable Alan Rock, then Minister of Health, to discuss the results of the doctors’ survey and the draft document. The Honourable Alan Rock responded by stating the draft clinical definition was “a milestone in the fight against this complex and tragic condition”.
Health Canada established the “Terms of Reference”. One stipulation was that at least one member of the panel must be nominated by each of the five stakeholder groups of government, universities, clinicians, industry, and advocacy. There had to be at least ten members on the panel, four of whom could come from outside of Canada. Panel members had to be practicing MDs actively treating and/or diagnosing ME/CFS, or MDs or Ph Ds involved in clinical research of the illness. Their mandate was to develop a clinical definition that addressed a broader spectrum of the pathogenesis of the illness, as well as to provide diagnostic and treatment protocols for medical practitioners. The members of the panel would have autonomy over their consensus document.
Health Canada selected an Expert Consensus Panel for ME/CFS. The eleven-member Expert Consensus Panel received more than forty nominations including numerous nominations from each stakeholder group. The members of the Consensus Panel represented clinicians, university medical faculty, and researchers in the area of ME/CFS. Collectively, the members of the panel had diagnosed and/or treated more than twenty thousand ME/CFS patients.
Health Canada planned for a Consensus Workshop to be held on March 30 to April 1, 2001. Crystaal (Biovail Pharmaceuticals) funded the workshop without having any involvement with or influence over the Consensus Document. They hired Science and Medicine Canada to organize and facilitate the workshop.
The draft document went through three rounds of revisions prior to the Consensus Workshop where the document received consensus, in principle, with directives for various members to revise some sections. The document was compiled by Marjorie van de Sande and the revised document was sent to the panel. There was 100% consensus by the panel members on the final Consensus Document [1] . The Consensus Document has become known as the “Canadian Consensus Document for ME/CFS”.