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Poll: Do You Manage to Keep Your Home Tidy?

Do you keep your home tidy?

  • Yes, I somehow manage

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • It's a constant struggle, but it's not horribly messy

    Votes: 21 36.8%
  • Nope, stuff piled on top of stuff, and the dust rhinos are getting scary

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • It's tidy ... but someone else keeps it that way, since I can't

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
A comment in another thread had me thinking: are our lifestyles a good diagnostic tool for ME? My comment was about piling stuff on other stuff, and there were several quick responses of "Me too.", so I thought a poll about tidiness (or messiness) might be fun and possibly enlightening.


Senior Member
I forgot to add: on the rare occasions when my ME symptoms subside a bit, I do notice that my home is really messy/filthy and I feel a desire to do some clean-up. So rare these days though. :(

Most days, I just don't care about mess. I think that's a valid neurological symptom.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Most days, I just don't care about mess. I think that's a valid neurological symptom.


Mine qualifies as a bit tidy but with dust and coatings accruing.....Four years here.

We are going to have to call somebody to come attack the place. Then write a check. We said that for two years now.....I got a lady here once, she stayed 2.5 hours, never saw her again. (one blind got dusted, three years ago)

Light house keeping is my GET....and I don't understand having somebody come into your home and clean...I'd have to clean first.


Senior Member
York, England
It takes me 4 days to dust and hover the house. No one, I mean no one, is permitted to leave things laying about! Everything has it's place.

It's all part of my pacing and resting. Usually done in about 10 minute spells. It brings order and routine to my life.

Although anything vigorous doesn't get done, for months/years

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Nope, cognitive is worse than physical and i can't manage it.
Sometimes i get some cognitive functioning and make a small dent in it.
Tidy house? HA!

Totally get it, the cognitive thing. Between the bouts of profound physical exhaustion almost always accompanied by the limited cog thing, it's really hard to figure out wht to keep, what to toss, where the 'keepers' need to go, and then getting them there. On my not great days, it defeats me almost immediately. On better days, I can get some real improvement before I fade off ....


Senior Member
I keep the downstairs pretty neat, but I rely on bins under my living room table. The bins get fuller as I get more crashy, and then I sort and put away when I feel up to it. I vacuum my 3 large rugs maybe 2ce a year. I dust the floors with a swiffer about once a month, if I feel well enough.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
My partner cleans. I clean the bathrooms maybe once a month or something. Probably once every 2 months. But could easily go four months if I've got no energy. I haven't had the energy to hoover since October last year.

I do keep getting short bursts of energy. Suspect once I'm back to my baseline in a few weeks I'll have quite a bit of energy. But we will see.


Senior Member
New Mexico
I do manage to keep my place tidy. I've downsized a lot to keep things simple and organization is key for me. I have to be organized to stay sane and there's basically a designated place for things and when I finish with something it goes directly back to its place so things really don't get piled up.

However, as tidy as my place looks, it may not necessarily be clean all the time. That's a given.


Senior Member
Slobby here. Very slobby. Unfortunately I've always been the Oscar Madison.
It's all I can do to make sure we eat a good lunch and dinner.

I use the Roomba but even then I forget and go way too long between cleanings. I'll get a good roll for awhile doing once a week but then I'll stop and go months without. Ack.

When my throat and voice started going a few weeks ago presumably from the boiling hot water burns the allergies seemed to be making it worse so I bucked up and cleaned all the crap off of all the bureaus in the bedroom and all the piles of stuff on the table. That was a big help and I've been trying to be diligent about keeping them cleaned off and roomba-ing at least the bedroom once a week. This past weekend I used a little bit of energy to clean all kinds of grossness from window sills.
It's shocking how much stuff fills the Roomba just one week after the last Roomba-ing.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
QUOTE="Wishful, post: 2405161, member: 29331"]If I got one, it would probably run away screaming. :D[/QUOTE]

I would be staring at some spot it missed......

And I"ve oddly always enjoyed vacuuming.

( When I could not get my Moms Kirby, I bought a used one from somebody's Gramma (1946 issue)...then I finally did end up with my Mom's 1947 version, so I had two plus spare parts. Then I bought an Oreck after Katrina. (poor Lousinsana, I'll buy a vacuum made in the USA). Then 2-3 shop Vacs, various.)


Senior Member
Yep. Plus, I'm Felix Unger (OCD) locked inside Oscar Madison (ADHD). :angry:

Now only about once a month. :(

Thanks, @Booble. You made me feel better. :hug:

Ha! Having Felix inside Oscar has to be tough. I'm pretty much Oscar all around in that it all fades out of my view. I don't even notice it. I do LIKE when it's clean and have always dreamed of having a house where guests could pop over unannounced.
(I have a condo in another location and I have been diligent about keeping that clean. I made a point that I can't go to sleep without everything being picked up and dishes done over there. But I haven't been back over since Dec 2019. And frankly that was when I had my bad sickness and I left in a haze. I fear that I didn't do my normal out clean and that I might have left some OJ or something in the fridge. Will need hazmat suit!)

I'm also down to showering once a month. When you don't have to see people and showering is so tiring and POTSy it's hard. Worse yet, it's getting mildewy/moldy in the shower. Crap!

Glad I'm not alone, Judee, on the once a month shower. Hubby is with us too. :)


Senior Member
QUOTE="Wishful, post: 2405161, member: 29331"]If I got one, it would probably run away screaming. :D

I would be staring at some spot it missed......

And I"ve oddly always enjoyed vacuuming.

( When I could not get my Moms Kirby, I bought a used one from somebody's Gramma (1946 issue)...then I finally did end up with my Mom's 1947 version, so I had two plus spare parts. Then I bought an Oreck after Katrina. (poor Lousinsana, I'll buy a vacuum made in the USA). Then 2-3 shop Vacs, various.)[/QUOTE]

That's funny about you enjoying vacuuming. I have this weird thing that I oddly enjoy cleaning out the Roomba after each run through. I go through each part and clean and get some weird enjoyment from it. (Now that I wear a mask when I do it. Was reallly bad before I started wearing a mask to clean it. )


Senior Member
I've thought of getting one of these over the years. What is the name or brand?

I have a Roomba -- the Pet Version.
It's really good. It takes a long time to do a room because it goes back and forth in various directions so at first it seems wasteful of time. It would take much less time to push around a vacuum. But you can just put it on and forget about it til it's done.