Am quoting myself b/c a friend helped me figure out last night that our tests were using different measurements but in both cases we are approx eight times higher than the number should be (just using different measurement scales).
Thanks for that input. My labs were done by Quest.
Thinking about loud noises... I find them very disturbing. Unbearable, really. One of the worst is these hand dryers that stores are installing in bathrooms, called "Xlerator." I've measured the decibel output of these while sitting in the stall (with my iPhone) as 95 db (l
evel at which sustained exposure may result in hearing loss - 30 -60 minutes). Apparently this is equivalent to a jackhammer at 50 feet, a power mower, or a motorcycle at 25 feet. Confirmed by a study I read (table below, minus the formatting - sorry. You can see original
here (from an Acoustical Society of America report according to the article). The article's main concern seemed to be the effect on restroom conversation! What about the the known health detriments of exposure to loud noises?
For me, the noise of these dryers makes me wince, cringe, feel beaten and miserable. Rather than use them, I air dry my hands. But I can't stop others from using them. You can hear them from the checkout lanes at Target or Walmart.
Even the noise of the fan my husband likes to sleep with causes me distress. When he turns it off in the morning, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I also hate the sound of our air conditioner (we live in Tucson, and the air conditioner is not optional about 8 months of the year).
If my husband turns on the TV without turning down the volume, it feels like an assault.
I wonder if all this noise sensitivity is related to the GAD65 antibody?
A Guide to Hand Dryer Noise by 
Hand Dryer Model # Dry Time (sec) Approx ($) Approx Decibels
Dyson Airblade AB 14 10 1349 80
Xlerator XL-BW 12 400 95
World Dryer Airforce J-974 14 322 85
World Dryer AirMax XM5-974 15 420 83
World Dryer Model A XA5-974 27 400 82
Electric-Aire LE1-974 40 178 70
Fast Dry HK-1800PA 45 100 58