Poisoned Brain. Any treatments?


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
My new avatar (emblematic of a new phase) implies I am grounded, as per this discussion=& More serious, but along these lines, aren’t we grounded by default, e.g. with our feet more or less continuously in contact with the ground (as we walk)? [Not the same ‘ground’ we learned from physics, i.e. static vs a metal rod buried to a proportional ground depth relative to the quantity of electricity to be discharged.]

Conversely, our brains are in a constant state of electromagnetic charge emissions, including synaptic transfer of information. That makes me wonder about the effects of certain magnetic forces being used around the brain?
OTOH, MRI’s and other high tech magnetic gear is routinely used for brain imaging. Surely, there are a plethora of studies available to glean what affect different types of magnetism might have on brain (fog). Who goes first?
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Senior Member
Is there any solid research on grounding mats?

DRW: There is mounting evidence of the benefits of grounding mats."

Sorry, but to me 'mounting evidence' does not equal 'solid research'. Their 'mounting evidence' might just be anecdotal claims and poorly-run experiments. If they have a properly done experiment published in a peer-reviewed paper that shows that grounding doubles melatonin levels in the brain or successfully treated chronic insomnia in 500 patients in a double-blinded study, they should use that in ads. To me, undefined 'mounting evidence' sounds like a marketing claim with no actual basis, because they can't find any solid evidence to back their claims.

"There are some who even believe that getting back to nature — specifically while barefoot — can help neutralize the electric charge that runs through our bodies."

That is definitely a misleading sentence: it implies that it might be a plausible belief. Will saying that "some even believe that tinfoil hats protect people from alien thought-control rays" make you think that it might be true? We don't have an 'electric charge that runs through our bodies'; we have electrons and ions moving around in localized processes, and we have electric potential differences across various membranes, but grounding the skin won't affect any of those.

"This connection allows electrons to flow from the earth and into your body to create a neutral electrical charge."

No, it allows electrons to flow onto your skin, not into your body. Static charges develop on the exteriors of conductive surfaces, the result of charges repelling each other. Grounding would not allow those 'wild electrons' (a term I saw in one paper on grounding) to enter your cells to neutralize oxidizing molecules or whatever the claims are. Grounding would just change the number of electrons on your skin.

If you know someone who has studied physics (especially electric field theory), ask them if the concept of grounding makes sense., and whether adding or removing electrons from the skin would affect the interior of cells.


Senior Member

While I'd learned of the concepts in the past, I was not that impressed with the effort required for the bed setups. I abandoned the concept.

But a friend recommended this documentary today which had a lot more background on why it works. While I did engage in new routines 2 days ago for other nature healing, today I added grounding and my bowels responded positively already (which for me is earth-shattering).



Senior Member
My poisoned brain feeling reduced greatly after LDN and sugar-free diet. I stopped LDN after 10 months and the feeling didn't come back (at least not chronically) I still have to be careful how much sugar I eat. I absolutely cant have alcohol and gluten, and processed foods aren't good either. If I eat something I shouldn't have I take NAC which helps rid the toxic feeling.
London, England
Grounding pillow cases and sheets do work, I found placing the grounding pillow under my lower back while sleeping I felt significant better and refreshed when waking up. If I sleep with my head on it I don't get the same effects. I feel the effects of meditation much stronger when I am using the grounding products. Also I have tried grounding in my garden and I don't get the same effects I'm not sure why. The grounding arm/ankle band is also helpful to wear while sleeping.

I can understand why people are skeptical because it sounds crazy and doesn't make any sense but really it's something you have to try first yourself before you criticise it.

There are some fake sellers on ebay and amazon who don't use real silver in their products so be wary, I got my stuff from groundology which is reputable.


Senior Member
Unfortunately, even the ones with silver break down quite readily (both from washing and body sweat/oils). I recommend the black mat ones sold by Earthing.com