Please support this mum who has had her sick child snatched from her by disbelieving doctors.


Senior Member
Please consider supporting the petition and/or donating to help this mum who has had her child taken from her as she sought medical help for his Lyme Disease. A psychiatrist has had the child snatched from her and placed in a foster home as her GP did not believe Lyme was in the area. She too is sick and is, I understand an MD. Now it has taken a more serious turn as the psychiatrist is demanding that she legally surrenders her legal rights to the child without a fuss.



Ten weeks ago, Canadian social services seized my sister’s 11-year-old son because she sought treatment for their Lyme Disease from a licensed doctor.

Before her illness, my sister Christine was a driven, Yale-educated MD and health consultant, author, and avid outdoor enthusiast who spent every spring and summer afternoon on her mountain bike pulling her infant son and dog in a trailer through overgrown forest trails. But when my nephew was nine months old, both he and my sister suffered a strange series of relapsing summer flus with high fevers, vomiting, and joint pain. The pattern repeated a number of times and then appeared to resolve. But over the coming weeks and months, a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms began to emerge.

In a span of just over a year, my sister lost thirty pounds and was transformed from a fit, healthy athlete to a skeletal invalid who suffered unremitting headaches, joint pain, nausea, and dizziness and who struggled just to get out of bed each morning. Meanwhile, my nephew erupted in rashes-- large rings, coin-sized bullseyes, and lines of little dots like beads on a string appeared all over his body. By the time he was two, he’d developed a dry cough that kept him awake every night. By two and a half, he forgot how to count to ten-- something he’d been doing effortlessly for months. Then, just before his third birthday, my formerly energetic and cheerful nephew became unexplainably exhausted and inconsolable. Silly things like dropping his hat made him burst into tears and nothing comforted him. All he wanted to do was climb into my sister’s lap, suck his thumb, and go to sleep. A few days later, he began repeatedly punching himself in the head-- hard enough to leave bruises-- for no apparent reason...................


Senior Member
I lived in both Sask. & Toronto for several years & didn't know the Canadian system was that brutal. I gather this is in B.C.

It's very hard for the layman to believe that such illnesses exist & I'm sorry that this has occurred. I think you'll find there have been cases in The Netherlands, or one of the Scandinavian countries, that is along the same lines. In the end, the child was returned to the parents....but it took awhile. Yours, Lenora
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Senior Member
I lived in both Sask. & Toronto for several years & didn't know the Canadian system was that brutal. I gather this is in B.C.

It's very hard for the layman to believe that such illnesses exist & I'm sorry that this has occurred. I think you'll find there have been cases in The Netherlands, or one of the Scandinavian countries, that is along the same lines. In the end, the child was returned to the parents....but it took a while. Yours, Lenora

Sadly, there is a rising tide of this sort of thing in the UK where the child is being threatened with removal from the home. The pattern is a familiar one. First, the child is placed under the care of a paediatrician who is under the influence of one particular doctor who appears to regarded as the authority over the whole of England and to whom all paediatricians defer. The child is told that exercise, sleep restriction and psychological treatments are the cure. The child worsens, and mum then comes under suspicion and is accused of FII. From that point on a fight ensues as social workers are called in and the battle starts in earnest. As more pressure and dangerous treatments are inflicted, the child may be removed from mum, sometimes with a police presence, and placed in a hospital, sometimes a psychiatric ward, and the youngster deteriorates further. The influential doctor informs the paediatrician that ME never becomes severe and therefore the diagnosis is removed and one of PAWS (Pervasive Arousal Withdrawal Syndrome) is given. At this point, the child is unable to eat and requires a feeding tube to survive. However, with the advice of the authoritative doctor who claims that no one with ME needs a feeding tube, this is refused as, it is maintained, the child is just choosing not to eat and so deteriorates further and becomes close to death. Behind the scenes, there is intervention by a caring doctor who is often rudely treated and eventually, as the hospital doesn't want a death it is shamed into giving the child a feeding tube. The family meanwhile is traumatised and the child has been made to suffer unnecessarily by what can only be called medical abuse.

These cases are increasing in number.

The lucky ones are those we are aware of and they are probably just the tip of the iceberg.

I hope careful records are being kept so when the time comes, those responsible will face a reckoning.


Senior Member
That's terrible. I thought the Bill passed @ Parliament this past summer was supposed to curb these excesses. Poor children caught up in that world and poor parent who have to sit by and watch it. Here's hoping this year will see the end of it and money can be spent in the right directiron....who wouldn't want a test done on the child before this begins? This is very much like the "victim" I saw in one of the Scandinavian Countries. The parents finally did win custody....but oh, the battle. What's wrong with these so-called saviors?


Senior Member
That's terrible. I thought the Bill passed @ Parliament this past summer was supposed to curb these excesses. Poor children caught up in that world and poor parent who have to sit by and watch it. Here's hoping this year will see the end of it and money can be spent in the right directiron....who wouldn't want a test done on the child before this begins? This is very much like the "victim" I saw in one of the Scandinavian Countries. The parents finally did win custody....but oh, the battle. What's wrong with these so-called saviors?

Ego and personal empire-building play a very large role in this unprofessional and cruel treatment, sadly.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I wonder if we could somehow get the attention of Trump. I'm not a supporter of his at... all... But I saw a video of him talking to some people (Covid survivors?) and one of them said her recuperation was made worse by her Lyme disease. Trump suddenly started going off on how bad of a disease Lyme is, and if left untreated it can destroy your life. He rattled on for a whole minute or two on how awful it is, then ended with asking if she could see the white house physician. He apparently is a supporter that we have not tapped!

I know, wrong country. But if he could tweet a few times per day about the horrible Lyme disease instead of his other rants...


Senior Member
, Canada needs to know about the wrong that is being committed. There is a very active group(s) of people with ME in Canada. I can remember helping to put the first one together...that was different, they had nothing except a group of very ill patients that the govt. wouldn't help. They're at least as strong as we are today. I'd take it back to them...B.C. should have a huge, strong chapter, and I'm sure it does. And who do you take it to in Canada? Do you have to start with the social workers and go from there? Negative press is something everyone fears; I'd be inclined to start there or a TV station. He's obviously a well cared for child and it's heartbreaking to see what's going on with him. Idiots!!
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