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Please sign this Petition: Save Alice Barrett's Life


Senior Member
Please sign this petition to help save Alice who is in the Wonford Hospital, Exeter. This is the same hospital that refused to give Maeve Boothby O'Neil a feeding tube that resulted in her death in 2021.

Alice has severe ME and POTS and hasn't been able to eat for weeks.
The consultant in charge of the ward doesn't understand severe ME, has refused to learn from a very experienced specialist who is her consultant, and is insisting she sits up to receive nutrition through a PICC line but she is too sick to do this.

Her Mum and sister are sitting with her 24/7 but the situation is now becoming very serious and the consultant and his team are not prepared to adapt their protocol to suit Alice's level of debility and to save her life.


Save Alice Barrett's life


Rosie Barrett started this petition

Please sign this petition to help try and save Alice Barrett's life. She is 25 years old and has very Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). She is currently in Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust hospital.
Exeter hospital is refusing to adapt their NG tube feeding policy for Alice's unquie requirements. They have said she must be inclined at 30 degrees to provide nutrition for her.

Alice cannot tolerate being at this angle due to her POTs and her ME, it is having a detrimental impact. An ME specialist has informed us that it is safe to feed as low as 5 degrees if the person is lying on their right side and doesn't move. We have to try this. Alice is running out of options and time. Please sign this petition to help save her life.

Thank you,
Rosie (Alice's sister) and on the behalf of Alice and our family


Senior Member
Bump. What is it about the hospitals in Devon? Isn't that where Maeve Boothby had so many problems (perhaps not the same hospital)? I don't know anything about the angle one has to be at for tube feedings, but can't it at least be tried?

Also, can't the POTS knowledge be shared with the other doctors? Lenora


Senior Member
Bump. What is it about the hospitals in Devon? Isn't that where Maeve Boothby had so many problems (perhaps not the same hospital)? I don't know anything about the angle one has to be at for tube feedings, but can't it at least be tried?

Also, can't the POTS knowledge be shared with the other doctors? Lenora

Yes, it is the same hospital, @lenora. They refused to feed Maeve too. Sadly, it is my local hospital and, as an ME patient, it just isn't safe to go there because the consultants are so prejudiced against ME, even though that would not be the reason you attend the hospital.