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PLEASE help me fix my dumb mistake

Ok I need some help trying to unravel my mistake. Last week I took a B complex (B-Supreme by designs for health) and I created such a mess for myself. I was instantly very anxious, had bad insomnia, headaches, brain fog, reactive to everything-like a histamine rise. I took a ton of Niacin 🔥 for days trying to mop up the B’s and it helped some but now I’m left with intense brain fog and I feel I’m reacting to foods/supplements, like a histamine reaction. How can I get back to baseline? Can overmethylation cause brain fog or brain inflammation??. I’m shook I had such a reaction to a B complex. I will note my kids have MTHFR mutations so I assume I do too but I don’t know the specifics of mine. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated ❤️

will also note that I use to struggle with a lot of brain fog but it got a lot better and now I feel like I’m right back in the pits of it. I also have two small kiddos so I don’t want to be stuck like this 🙈.


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Senior Member
better use glycine as it acts as a buffer for methylgroups, where as niacin is a sponge.
you also need a methylgroup source like cholin in eggyolks or methionine.
b vitamins are metyl donors like a transport but they are a bad source for methylgroups.
you also need good amounts of potassium AND phosphor, those vitamins use them up a lot.

you very likely will bounce back to normal after a few days. most should be fine after a week and most most after 2 weeks.
just dont play ping pong now by trying to counter effects with other vitamins or things. wait for it to normalize.

the potassium and phosphor needs you can get with coconut water, 1 glas like in 330ml contains almost 700mg of potassium. a kefir is a good phosphor source.
also whole eggs are good source for phosphor and also choline!
meats are rich in methionine.
a good glycine source is bone broth.

and btw, your supplement has a huge dose of everything. i think you can just start with 1/5 cap.
better use glycine as it acts as a buffer for methylgroups, where as niacin is a sponge.
you also need a methylgroup source like cholin in eggyolks or methionine.
b vitamins are metyl donors like a transport but they are a bad source for methylgroups.
you also need good amounts of potassium AND phosphor, those vitamins use them up a lot.

you very likely will bounce back to normal after a few days. most should be fine after a week and most most after 2 weeks.
just dont play ping pong now by trying to counter effects with other vitamins or things. wait for it to normalize.

the potassium and phosphor needs you can get with coconut water, 1 glas like in 330ml contains almost 700mg of potassium. a kefir is a good phosphor source.
also whole eggs are good source for phosphor and also choline!
meats are rich in methionine.
a good glycine source is bone broth.

and btw, your supplement has a huge dose of everything. i think you can just start with 1/5 cap.
Thank you so much for your input. It’s been about 8 days so I’m starting to panic I’m going to be stuck like this, I thought it would pass after a few days. Thanks for the reminder to stop adding in supplements to counteract. I feel the need to do this to put out the fire 🔥 but adding in a bunch won’t be helpful. I’ll try what you suggested. Do you know why I could be having a histamine reaction to my normal supplements and foods?. It’s like my body turned hypersensitive after taking the complex for a few days. I won’t be taking it anymore at all, I’ll try a methyl free B source in the future. I just read per Dr.Ben Lynch If one takes methylfolate before inflammation is controlled, the methylfolate will worsen it. With having hashimoto’s, I suspect this could have partly tipped the inflammation scale for me and triggered the brain fog/inflammation.


Senior Member
You are not stuck, there is an answer. It might be a good idea to use separate b vitamins so you can isolate which one is causing the problems. On a more "out there" note, I use muscle testing which can be helpful to help isolate which supplements are needed or causing the problems.

Are you taking magnesium? Antioxidants?

Keep in mind that bioindividuality exists which means recommendations that are given are just recommendations meaning that everyone is different, and requirements can be different for everyone.


I would second the idea of keeping up with potassium and phosphorus. The need for these things can go on for a week or two. Low potassium can give you panicky feelings as well, even without the classic 'leg cramps'.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
That B supplement has very high doses. Maybe just rest and drinking a ton of water will help flush out the excess?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
You are not stuck, there is an answer. It might be a good idea to use separate b vitamins so you can isolate which one is causing the problems. On a more "out there" note, I use muscle testing which can be helpful to help isolate which supplements are needed or causing the problems.

Are you taking magnesium? Antioxidants?

Keep in mind that bioindividuality exists which means recommendations that are given are just recommendations meaning that everyone is different, and requirements can be different for everyone.
As LINE suggests, magnesium requirements tend to increase, dramatically as inflammation increases. If the B vits, methyl groups promoting ones in particular have increased inflammation then adding significant amounts of magnesium, not the RDA type levels, should help.

I personally don't have any significant MTHFR snp's, all I get is an on edge feeling which niacinamide will fix. I do take fairly large amounts of Glycine, trying to balance it so as not to make me feel sleepy due to a rise in GABA. I take quite a bit of P-5-P (B6) but not as much as some people on this forum. However some people can react badly to B6. B12 and folate will drive methylation and TMG will also increase it due to the methyl groups contained within it. Taking TMG with B12/folate can push me into overmethylation and into a hyper on edge state which is unpleasant.

Magnesium might be helpful. Magnesium Malate is highly bioavailable. Magnesium Citrate can loosen the bowel and Magnesium (Bis)Glycinate will also supply a significant amount of Glycine. I used to take around 2 grams/day but recently I have been taking between 800mg to 1600mg. I need at least 800mg x2 but don't always get it.
You are not stuck, there is an answer. It might be a good idea to use separate b vitamins so you can isolate which one is causing the problems. On a more "out there" note, I use muscle testing which can be helpful to help isolate which supplements are needed or causing the problems.

Are you taking magnesium? Antioxidants?

Keep in mind that bioindividuality exists which means recommendations that are given are just recommendations meaning that everyone is different, and requirements can be different for ev
You are not stuck, there is an answer. It might be a good idea to use separate b vitamins so you can isolate which one is causing the problems. On a more "out there" note, I use muscle testing which can be helpful to help isolate which supplements are needed or causing the problems.

Are you taking magnesium? Antioxidants?

Keep in mind that bioindividuality exists which means recommendations that are given are just recommendations meaning that everyone is different, and requirements can be different for everyone.

You are not stuck, there is an answer. It might be a good idea to use separate b vitamins so you can isolate which one is causing the problems. On a more "out there" note, I use muscle testing which can be helpful to help isolate which supplements are needed or causing the problems.

Are you taking magnesium? Antioxidants?

Keep in mind that bioindividuality exists which means recommendations that are given are just recommendations meaning that everyone is different, and requirements can be different for everyone.
Oh I will be staying away from all B’s for a long while. I just need to get back to baseline. I’m little panicked I’m still so fogged a week later. I do take Magnesium glycinate daily but now my body gets so reactive to even simple things I was taking prior to trialing the B complex. Thank you for your input ❤️
I would second the idea of keeping up with potassium and phosphorus. The need for these things can go on for a week or two. Low potassium can give you panicky feelings as well, even without the classic 'leg cramps'.
Thank you I’ll add these in for sure because the big anxiety has calmed down but I still feel it lightly.
That B supplement has very high doses. Maybe just rest and drinking a ton of water will help flush out the excess?
Yea I assumed by body would do great things with it as suggested but I should have known better. A week later I’m trying all I can to flush it out. Do you know how long this takes to get out of one’s systems? Or maybe it’s out and I just messed with some neurotransmitters or still detoxing 🤷🏻‍♀️
As LINE suggests, magnesium requirements tend to increase, dramatically as inflammation increases. If the B vits, methyl groups promoting ones in particular have increased inflammation then adding significant amounts of magnesium, not the RDA type levels, should help.

I personally don't have any significant MTHFR snp's, all I get is an on edge feeling which niacinamide will fix. I do take fairly large amounts of Glycine, trying to balance it so as not to make me feel sleepy due to a rise in GABA. I take quite a bit of P-5-P (B6) but not as much as some people on this forum. However some people can react badly to B6. B12 and folate will drive methylation and TMG will also increase it due to the methyl groups contained within it. Taking TMG with B12/folate can push me into overmethylation and into a hyper on edge state which is unpleasant.

Magnesium might be helpful. Magnesium Malate is highly bioavailable. Magnesium Citrate can loosen the bowel and Magnesium (Bis)Glycinate will also supply a significant amount of Glycine. I used to take around 2 grams/day but recently I have been taking between 800mg to 1600mg. I need at least 800mg x2 but don't always get it.
Sounds like I really need to increase my magnesium dosage, I only take 300mg nightly. I’m actually reacting to magnesium now, my fog gets so much worse after taking it so it seems like I triggered some major inflammation and my body’s not happy. I read per Dr.Ben Lynch that Methyfolate could drive up inflammation if the body is already inflamed, I’m guessing that could be the case for me or maybe I’m detoxing from the large amount of B’s this product had. I’m just not sure anymore, I’m just upset I still feel like this a week later. Thank you so much for your input.


Senior Member
"Do you know why I could be having a histamine reaction to my normal supplements and foods?."

i dont but i have the same, not only for b vitamins but for plant extracts too.

i read in masterjohns blog that b2 is a radical especially under light. synthetic vitamins are free form in the body and need to be bound asap to proteins otherwise they go rogue.
so taking b vitamins at night when light isnt present can help with inflammation.
synthetic b vitamins in general seam to be pro inflammatory. i dont think its the vitamins, i think its the artificial.

but it didnt solve the issue with mcas/allergies uprising after b supplements for me.

also keep in mind, the whole industry changed processes since 2020. many supplements and foods which where ok before can now be allergic. i had this with some products i took for years, starting from one charge to the other. i could even compare old and new charge and i didnt tolerate the new charge. i suspect they changed to cheaper manufacturing, not filtering bad stuff out as good as before or introducing new chemical "helpers" to make it.
its sad what food industry does to our food.
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I took too much methyl b12 for a while and stopped taking it last week I think. The potassium need is just now wearing down and not gone away yet.

Myself, Freddd and possibly others have found that b12 absorption relates to lithium status. When lithium is low there is almost an insatiable need for mb12. When lithium levels are higher, the same amount of mb12 can be too much. Potassium loss in my case, can't remember if Freddd had that as well.

So something to think about. It happens, you probably haven't messed up anything that won't right itself in time.

If you react badly to magnesium it could be adding to potassium loss, or low calcium. I've found magnesium is great but it can add to potassium loss. Might be worth trying a high potassium food source or else a high calcium food source and see if that improves the reaction to magnesium. Everyone's different, these are just some patterns that various people have found. Be careful with anything you take.