GWI is campaigning for more research. We can help.
links to contact U.S. Senators (anyone from any country may phone or fax any Senator; however in order to email a Senator, you must use a ZIP code from the Senator's electoral district and represent that you are a constituent of that particular Senator):
The Amendment from Representative Kucinich increased the funding for Gulf War Illness Research Program within the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program(CDMRP) from 6.4 million that had been approved from the House Appropriations Committee to 1o million. The Appropriations Committee that is the first step in the process had cut all programs within the CDMRP by 20 percent. ...
Two other areas for CDMRP programs that made gains from the House of Representatives floor amendments include Prostrate Cancer(Stearns 16million) and Traumatic Brain Injuries(Sessions 10 million).
The Appropriations committee made no attempt to examine each area of research covered at CDMRP for priorities and relationship to war which is the direct reason for the funding within the Defense Appropriations. No reflections or evaluations were made of whether each area funded should be a focus in Defense Appropriations. No evaluations were made if the other areas have multiple funding means/methods. An example is the funding available through NIH, NIC, or civilian Associations with other diseases....
The Defense Appropriations Bill moves to the Senate next. Yet again there will be more war on the hill to get Gulf War Illness Research Program within the CDMRP to truly receive the funding that is needed now. The NAS-IOMs Dr Houser who chaired the last report on Gulf War Illness has stated clearly that Gulf War Illness Research is needed now and warrants 25 million a year to truly help make a change in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gulf War Veterans from 1990-91.
links to contact U.S. Senators (anyone from any country may phone or fax any Senator; however in order to email a Senator, you must use a ZIP code from the Senator's electoral district and represent that you are a constituent of that particular Senator):