I just sent the following message to all my family and friends on facebook. I am also going to send an email to everyone I know. This is very difficult for me to do as I have always felt humiliated when I tell someone about my illness and most do not know I have CFS. However, I think this is important and I need to overcome my fears.

I hope everyone else will do the same. We cannot fund the wpi alone. We need help.
It is so hard for me too. I think we have internalized some our treatment and need to speak out. I put Dr. Bell's letter on facebook last week and am emailing this letter I was working on. Jace and Frickly's were more to the point! I guess I'm expecting doubters and getting all my education in at once.
This and similar letters are being circulated by patients from published studies and interviews.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Funding is urgently needed to pursue research on XMRV. Please donate to Whittemore Peterson Institute for
the research they are doing on this recently discovered human retrovirus.
Please forward this letter fot anyone you know with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia,
chronic Lyme disease, atypical Multiple Sclerosis, Gulf War Syndrome, aggressive prostate cancer, Autism spectrum disorders
and overlapping conditions and donate if you can.
XMRV was found in a majority of CFS/ME patients in a study published in October by the Whittemore Peterson Institute with
the National Cancer Instite and Cleveland Clinic (1). That study found XMRV in 67% of CFS/ME patients and 3.7% of healthy
volunteers. Since the study the Whittemore Peterson Institute is finding XMRV in 85% of CFS/ME and about 35% of overlapping
conditions (7). XMRV is the third human retrovirus. The others are HTLV and HIV. Feline leukemia virus is an example of an
animal retrovirus.
A few strains of XMRV have been found that may have different effects. The virus may work with immune defects,
co-infections or as cause of these conditions. A study by University of Utah and Emory University/Veterans Affair Medical
Center has found some retroviral drugs developed for HIV may be effective treatments for XMRV (5).
Much research remains to be done. Possibly treatment could be quickly available. Many patients are waiting to be included
in studies and to try retroviral therapy.
Here is the donation button
Without a doubt research into XMRV will advance research in these diseases. The numbers of high level retrovirologists
working on XMRV worldwide to date is very small. Testing for blood bank studies is being developed and it is unknown when
federal organizations will focus on treatment.
CFS/ME is a very underfunded disease. At 5 million dollars a year there are very few diseases with less funding in the
entire NIH budget (6). There are 1 to 4 million patients in the U.S. with CFS/ME alone. No new money has been allocated for
this research through 2011. Historically the CDC and NIAID (departments of the NIH) have not invested in biological research
in this disease. We need to work together with other people affected by this virus.
Many people with this illness are able to work part-time or full time with heavy costs to other parts of their lives. It
is estimated that 25% are severely ill. Many have been bed bound or apartment bound for many years and need treatment now.
Many young people get this illness while in school or at the start of their careers. We are too ill to do traditional
fundraising events. Please see Lauren's story (2).
Please donate to Whittemore Peterson Institute for the research they are doing. If a large number of people give $10 or
whatever you can afford it will make huge difference.
Here is the donation button
Please write your congress people and senators to increase funding for XMRV research in the U.S. and to fund Centers of
Excellence for research in neuro-immune diseases like the WPI and the proposed New Jersey Neuro-Endocrine Immune (NEI)
Center, for CFS/ME, Lyme, Fibromyalgia and other disorders.
Outside U.S. please write to your representatives and your top research institutes.
May 12 is CFS/ME Awareness Day.
1) Consortium of Researchers Discover Retroviral Link to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome October 2009
2) Lauren's story
3) Nevada newsmakers Annette Whittemore and Dr. Judy Mikovits short video interview
4) Dr. Bell's Personal Appeal for Donations to WPI
5) Powerful HIV drugs inhibit retrovirus linked to prostate cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome
http://labspaces.net/102911/Powerfu...us_linked_to_prostate_cancer__chronic_fatigue article
http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0009948 study
6) NIH funding levels
7) Dr. Mikovits Q and A with International Association for CFS/ME