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Um the CAA doesn't do research.They're both doing excellent research - support them both!
Um the CAA doesn't do research.They're both doing excellent research - support them both!
The reason I bumped into this thread is that it was reported to our Report Thread list because some of the posts were thought to be offensive.
The above is clearly a statement of opinion by the person who posted it, and refers to an organization that is supposed to advocate for people like the poster. He was criticizing an organization -- not a person on this forum, not a religion, not an ethnicity. There is no way that the above quote violated a forum rule. Therefore whoever reported it is effectively calling for censorship of certain opinions about the CAA. I hope that member (or those members) realize that this looks bad, and ESPECIALLY bad on a thread dedicated to raising funds for the WPI, given the tensions in the community and the criticisms many have had of the way the CAA addressed the WPI findings and the European studies. Think about it - if you care about the CAA's public image, you are only doing more damage by taking such actions.I agree entirely the CAA should be ashamed of themselves>ourbest opportunity for 25 years and they are faffing about with computer programmes and pain seminars
We seem to have lost our momentum here a little........
OK, I'm going make another donation to WPI right NOW!!!!!!!!!!:victory::victory::victory:
from Dr. Bell:
I think the same tactics are being employed to hamper the current work on XMRV by the WPI. The WPI is a private organization and, as I understand it, no federal grants or funding has been forthcoming. There have been three negative PCR-only studies which have established only that CFS can not to be superficially studied. At this time no study that has attempted to replicate the WPI study has been heard from. Many CFS research organizations have declared publically that "XMRV is a dead issue."
Nothing is farther from the truth. I cannot predict the future, but my fear is that the current political and scientific organizations who do not want to see retroviral involvement will attempt to stiffle studies on XMRV in CFS. Huge amounts of money are spent on studies on cognitive therapy, and studies proving that CFS is heterogeneous (you can argue that polio is heterogenous).
It is possible that thirty other labs are finding XMRV in CFS or that no one else in the world is even looking for it. Science requires that labs do not disclose their findings prior to publication and I agree with this rule. But is the WPI going to be isolated by the scientific community and wither away because of lack of funding? Is XMRV going to become more of the compost of CFS research?
But there is an alternative. We cannot wait ten years for science to grind outs its conclusions. Every person in the world who believes that CFS is important should send $10 to the WPI. I plan to send $10 today. It may not be much, but it is a start. There may be 10 million persons in the world with CFS. Lets see, thatsI need a calculator. May 12 is our day. Lets do this.
After 25 years of work in this field I do not have much. But I have my integrity. I feel that WPI has made an important discovery and I feel they are an ethical organization, they are not padding their pockets. But I also have my fears. And the greatest fear of all is that their discovery may not be appropriately followed up.
This is a great letter to forward to our email lists. I think we have to resort to chain letters. I know some doubting people with ME/CFS.
Also Dr. Mikovits said they were finding XMRV in 35% of people with overlapping conditions. We need to reach out to organizations for people with lyme, gulf war syndrome, autism, fibromyalgia, MS. There is no coalition of groups yet concerned with XMRV.
I totally agree kdp. The people at xmrv global action are trying to do that. But things move slowly. Especially for ME/CFSers.
My fall-back thought is that when the science proves itself, what may be taking time and persuasion, instead will quickly happen and these groups will form alliances quite quickly.
It dawned on me a little while ago that we are donating to help each other as much as ourselves and WPI.
Darn! Why does this have to show up?The CAA is doing research on mitochondrial problems in the brain, vascular problems, gut problems, HERV's, exercise problems, autonomic nervous dysfunction....and they are devoting the first study from their Biobank to replicating the WPI's XMRV study.
I'm so tired of being the CAA's 'protector'...
I agree that nothing could have the impact that XMRV could have if it works out. I think if it does it will change everything and I think it should be fully supported.
But the CAA started its current research program long before XMRV showed up. After XMRV showed up there are two support groups (outside of the WPI) that I am aware of that are directly financially supporting XMRV studies - the one in the UK and the CAA. THe XMRV replication study with Glaxo Smith Kline is the first new study the CAA has taken on in several years. They are using acute onset patients with PEM and trying to focus on those patients with NK cell abnormalities. Their study is probably the best chance we have for XMRV to show up...... Yet that gets no traction, for some reason, here.
Support both groups or just support the WPI fine - but don't trash a good research effort - we have too little good research going on as it is.
I'm not saying don't support XMRV fully - there's no need, though, to bash a excellent research program while you're doing it.
The reason I bumped into this thread is that it was reported to our Report Thread list because some of the posts were thought to be offensive.
i, too, am one of folks here who has no money to give, but, hey, we all just raised $50 for sending "thank you" flowers for dr. peterson, upon his retirement from WPI, by asking 5 folks to donate $10 each (we did this on another thread on this forum). and we raised it in a few hours. so we can do it now, again, here!
i'm donating $50 i don't have. it is the least i can do for WPI. they are my hope right now. my first real hope in 20 yrs.
and i sent dr bells letter to everyone i know. maybe they'll donate just so they can stop hearing me complain about my illness...