Pix/reports from the #Missing Millions protests today

Old Bones

Senior Member
The best thing today for both me and my wife, as people who were able to attend, was the feeling of actually being part of something, of feeling less isolated and actually being able to take some sort of action in regard to ME. I can only hope that those of you who weren't able to get there felt something similar.

I certainly did. An added bonus was seeing what I believe to be my shoes in one of Omar's photos.


Senior Member
My hubby and daughter had the brilliant idea to make a video of me walking in empty shoes for the #MissingMillions protest. In the last six years I have been able to walk to our mailbox maybe four times. I bought those shoes three years ago and have not been able to go for a walk in them yet...


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Yes, to echo what others have said, this has been a really remarkable day. I've not seen anything like it before. I'm incredibly impressed with the way an enormous number of our community have come together in person and on social media in the spirit of mutual support, love, respect, and compassion. Twitter has been massively set alight (more than I've ever seen before), all day, including by lots of people I don't usually meet or interact with. And the event has really captured people's imagination in a big way, and touched people personally. I think the whole concept has meant a lot to people personally. People have put a big deal of thought into posting imaginative photos and heart-felt words about their lives and their loved ones. Well done to everyone. It's been an amazing day.
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I'm Not Imaginary
Me too! Isn't it exciting?! :woot::woot::woot:

All these years we've seemed so incapable of putting on a big demo and suddenly...

This is all thanks to #MEAction lighting a fire under us and providing people with the tools to network and boost the signal and work together. We're so lucky to have them - @JenB, @searcher, @JaimeS. :thumbsup:

I'm just so thrilled my shoes got to take part. I was really excited to see them in London!
Yes! So amazing. Incredible to see this unfolding today. Very touching stories. And very touching to see this go global.

@JenB @searcher @JaimeS and everyone else involved - you are such rock stars!!!! :cool: :star: :globe:


Senior Member
England (south coast)
My hubby and daughter had the brilliant idea to make a video of me walking in empty shoes for the #MissingMillions protest. In the last six years I have been able to walk to our mailbox maybe four times. I bought those shoes three years ago and have not been able to go for a walk in them yet...
Love your video. Wish you could walk in your shoes.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I still don't really understand this Twitter trending thing. So we were at number 12, but out of what? Hashtags being used in the world right now in English? Or just in the UK? Or within a certain range of topics?
It's an indicator of how popular a subject or hashtag is at any particular time on Twitter. Usually it shows the trends in your country, not globally. So, in this case, it's the 12th most talked about subject on Twitter, right now, in the UK. (If that's a uk chart - I didn't check.)
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Senior Member
London protest makes the London Evening Standard - London's main newspaper! That's a BIG DEAL (an even bigger one if it makes the print edition).

A little bigger deal?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My hubby and daughter had the brilliant idea to make a video of me walking in empty shoes for the #MissingMillions protest. In the last six years I have been able to walk to our mailbox maybe four times. I bought those shoes three years ago and have not been able to go for a walk in them yet...
Wow! Thanks, brilliant...and a tear jerker. :cry: