Hi, June.
Oh, you meant membership on PR rather than membership at iGive. Why aren't more PR members (hundreds of people) not registering at iGive.com so they can vote in the video contest? Good question.
For myself, I don't feel able to participate in all the advocacy projects that people start. In June I picked this iGive/iSearch thing as something easy I could do on an ongoing basis. I didn't even notice the video contest, however, until Frank brought it up. And then suddenly Sasha was struck with her vision of turnips, and Helen, bless her heart, turned that dream into a clever video. And then Sasha and Cort got everything going, trash-talking puppies and kitties and troubadors and little kids jumping rope. And Tuha had that great idea to get our horses and lovers to vote for turnips. Plus, some members like Helen and urbantravels went shopping. Inspiring!
As for others who use PR, who are signed up as members, and all those hundreds - maybe thousands - of people who check in as "guests" - well, I can't speak for them.
Maybe you should start a new thread to try to find out why - why they're not doing something easy like voting in this video contest to raise money for PR.
PS And thanks to Wayne, frenchtulips, dancer, shannah, ggingues. . . . I can't keep all the names in my head. Must go back and check the thread. And maryb. And cfidsurfer. And glenp and francelle and - oh I forgot, my brain is shutting down. Tony! I know other people posted on another thread that they've voted, but I'm too tired to check. Good night.