Phoenix rising won $300


Senior Member
Reminder To Vote

We're at 237 votes and in 17th place. I've been using both computers in the house under 2 different emails.


Fine, thank you
We've just gone up a notch to 16th place with 241 votes - goodbye labradors, hello weimaraners! :balloons:


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
Reminder To Vote

We're at 237 votes and in 17th place. I've been using both computers in the house under 2 different emails.

That is simpler, but if you only have one computer, you still can vote for more than one person/email address. Just logout with one and login again with the next.
It is more time consuming, but I have found since I've come down with this that I actually have a fair bit of time.....


Fine, thank you
That is simpler, but if you only have one computer, you still can vote for more than one person/email address. Just logout with one and login again with the next.

Very true! And the weimaraners and now in the dust :victory: , and we're at 15th place behind the kittens - surely we can beat a bunch of kittens?


Phoenix Rising Founder
What a tremendous leap! Sorry little kitties - the turnips are rolling :) - you're next!

We have 247 votes at #14.
Only six more places to #8

I must say I really want to get past the jump ropers.....That just does not seem right. Just a few votes now to to jump pass the kitties...


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
I don't get it!!

I don't understand with the volume of membership we have, more folks are not voiting..... I posted a few pages back, but the post might have gotten buried without being read. If my idea is NOT good, that's OK, but would like to see a few comments or discussion........ Original post is below:

It's so easy to........ VOTE

With everyone here at PR, we should have more votes!

This is more than personal for me. Besides dealing with this illness for over 30 years, greatly altering my life sytle -- besides making me feel down right YUCKY, we are competing coonhounds!

Coonhounds! Now, don't get me wrong, I LOOOVVVEEE dogs. One of my sons and his wife adopted a coonhound from a rescue organization. And she is adorable, can you use adorable describing a coonhound??

But now here I am, the matriac of the family in a contest up against a new comer to the family of two years , and the NEW COMER is winning?!?!??!?

We should have more votes, yes? Hummm, what is the roadblock in keeping folks from voting?

How can we encourage folks to join in? Should a new thread be started with a title "What is keeping you from voting to help" "What has your hands tied" "Are you kidding me, you have not voted yet." "Time is running out to help ourselves."

Then in that original post, ask folks if there is a reason they have not signed up. Hopefully folks will respond with their issues, and PR or others can address problems or concerns they may have.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
InTuneJune, sorry if no one commented on a previous post.

123 people are now registered as iGive members (up from 9 when the video contest started). Does seem like with that many people registered, more votes should be coming in.

We just need 4 more votes to be ahead of the Exotic something. Cats? Aren't we more exotic than that? Us dancing turnips? Come on!


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
Just one more vote to tie the exotic felines.....

123 folks registered..... why do you suppose more have not registered.....

This is the dialogue I wanted to explore....



Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hi, June.

Oh, you meant membership on PR rather than membership at iGive. Why aren't more PR members (hundreds of people) not registering at so they can vote in the video contest? Good question.

For myself, I don't feel able to participate in all the advocacy projects that people start. In June I picked this iGive/iSearch thing as something easy I could do on an ongoing basis. I didn't even notice the video contest, however, until Frank brought it up. And then suddenly Sasha was struck with her vision of turnips, and Helen, bless her heart, turned that dream into a clever video. And then Sasha and Cort got everything going, trash-talking puppies and kitties and troubadors and little kids jumping rope. And Tuha had that great idea to get our horses and lovers to vote for turnips. Plus, some members like Helen and urbantravels went shopping. Inspiring!

As for others who use PR, who are signed up as members, and all those hundreds - maybe thousands - of people who check in as "guests" - well, I can't speak for them.

Maybe you should start a new thread to try to find out why - why they're not doing something easy like voting in this video contest to raise money for PR.


PS And thanks to Wayne, frenchtulips, dancer, shannah, ggingues. . . . I can't keep all the names in my head. Must go back and check the thread. And maryb. And cfidsurfer. And glenp and francelle and - oh I forgot, my brain is shutting down. Tony! I know other people posted on another thread that they've voted, but I'm too tired to check. Good night.


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
19th place with 161 votes.

With everyone here at PR, we should have more votes!

This is more than personal for me. Besides dealing with this illness for over 30 years, greatly altering my life sytle -- besides making me feel down right YUCKY, we are competing coonhounds!

Coonhounds! Now, don't get me wrong, I LOOOVVVEEE dogs. One of my sons and his wife adopted a coonhound from a rescue organization. And she is adorable, can you use adorable describing a coonhound??

But now here I am, the matriac of the family in a contest up against a new comer to the family of two years , and the NEW COMER is winning?!?!??!?

We should have more votes, yes? Hummm, what is the roadblock in keeping folks from voting?

How can we encourage folks to join in? Should a new thread be started with a title "What is keeping you from voting to help" "What has your hands tied" "Are you kidding me, you have not voted yet." "Time is running out to help ourselves."

Then in that original post, ask folks if there is a reason they have not signed up. Hopefully folks will respond with their issues, and PR or others can address problems or concerns they may have.

Yes, Merry, that's it!

I guess I am timid about taking the step, so I posted it in this thread. Maybe I am wrong, maybe this is a good response. I don't know, I am just surprised.

Hoping some one else is questioning this also....

Those coonhounds though are way ahead of us!



senior member
Concord, NH
I don't understand with the volume of membership we have, more folks are not voiting..... I posted a few pages back, but the post might have gotten buried without being read. If my idea is NOT good, that's OK, but would like to see a few comments or discussion........ Original post is below:

It's so easy to........ VOTE

With everyone here at PR, we should have more votes!

We should have more votes, yes? Hummm, what is the roadblock in keeping folks from voting?

How can we encourage folks to join in? Should a new thread be started with a title "What is keeping you from voting to help" "What has your hands tied" "Are you kidding me, you have not voted yet." "Time is running out to help ourselves."

Then in that original post, ask folks if there is a reason they have not signed up. Hopefully folks will respond with their issues, and PR or others can address problems or concerns they may have.

Sounds like a good idea to me!


Senior Member
Hi june,

This is really good question. I ask it myselfalready for a long time. I started the thread about the pasivity of cfs patients after that competition on facebook for pandora in summer (I forgot the nameof the competition). We had really a lot of difficulties to get the people to vote and Pandora got 20 000 USD only because of some votes. then I started a thread why the people are pasive - I didnt get onlyfew answers and mostly from the people who are really disable and they are not able to join these kind of activities - they felt a bit touche even if I said on the begining of my thread that this question is not for the sickest who are not able to vote but for the others.
from the reason which I understood i would say there are these problems:
- a lot of people after the years lost all their hopes and they dont believe anymore that something will help
- some people will find it too difficult with the registration and so on and they are afraid to get spams after registrating (for these problems I have one extra email adress)
- there was also a problem with facebook (the competition was on facebook) - a lot of people dont like it - we tried to convice them but no chance
- I also think that a lot of people on this forum just search for a treatement advice and they dont check other sections but cort wrote a newsletter and all the people who are registrated got it

After all these reasons I found as still too pasive. to find a solution have to change it is really difficult - i think the only way is to speak all the time to the people ant to encourage them that its really important to support cfs activities. its annoying to repeat all the time, some people get angry but there is no other way.


Fine, thank you
We're past the exotic felines :victory: - animal rescue coming up!

I don't understand with the volume of membership we have, more folks are not voiting.....

But yes, I'd like to see us going much faster.

I posted a few pages back, but the post might have gotten buried without being read. If my idea is NOT good, that's OK, but would like to see a few comments or discussion........

I saw your post and I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, June - but at this point, yes, I think it would be a good idea. I can see that every day, there are hundreds of people viewing PR at any time and it's frustrating that more won't do this easy thing to help out.

I think a new thread specifically about "is there any technical or other problem that's stopping you" would be helpful and I like your first and third titles - I think we need something to grab people's curiosity and maybe a step-by-step guide in the message that starts the thread explaining how to do it (including that if you don't log out of iGive, you don't have to keep logging in every day).

We've still got 11 days - we're already going up the rankings and can easily make the bigger bucks if more people join in.


Fine, thank you
We just need 4 more votes to be ahead of the Exotic something. Cats? Aren't we more exotic than that? Us dancing turnips? Come on!

Yes, doesn't get more exotic than that! Plus, we have an onion with a moustache!