Hi. I took finasteride (aka propecia or proscar) medication for years and suffer from persistent, debilitating sexual dyfunction years after discontinuation. There are lots of poor unfortunate young men like me here: www.propeciahelp.com. The condition has been termed PFS (Post Finasteride Syndrome). TRT and hormones and tons of conventional therapies have not worked for us, and recoveries are rare and unclear. Other symptoms include lethargy, brain fog, immune issues, etc.
It's been determined that finasteride is "oxidative stress in a pill" and many of us PFSers are discovering issues with MTHFR, glutathione depletion, etc. Finasteride lowers DHT, a powerful male hormone and antioxidant. This appears to have an effect on our androgen expression / androgen receptors. It's a vicious cycle.
To further elaborate on my symptoms: I am in an impotent state with virtually no brain-to-penis connection, lack of penile sensitivity, lack of butterflies, lack of arousal, lack of lust/libido -- total disconnection from the opposite sex. I find girls beautiful, but something is missing -- this is the common thread with all PFSers.
Any advice on supplements / treatment / approach? Thank you!
It's been determined that finasteride is "oxidative stress in a pill" and many of us PFSers are discovering issues with MTHFR, glutathione depletion, etc. Finasteride lowers DHT, a powerful male hormone and antioxidant. This appears to have an effect on our androgen expression / androgen receptors. It's a vicious cycle.
To further elaborate on my symptoms: I am in an impotent state with virtually no brain-to-penis connection, lack of penile sensitivity, lack of butterflies, lack of arousal, lack of lust/libido -- total disconnection from the opposite sex. I find girls beautiful, but something is missing -- this is the common thread with all PFSers.
Any advice on supplements / treatment / approach? Thank you!
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