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Peter White (PACE) in the Guardian

Old Bones

Senior Member
If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer
Peter White

Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome have been neglected too long. But our Pace trials show the right talking and exercise therapies can make a real difference

He just doesn't give up! This article, posted in The Guardian today:


A few gems:

"For many years Nice (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, which oversees healthcare evidence) recommended just two treatments – graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – because it had the best evidence that these therapies worked "

"The idea of doing exercise therapy was scary for some patients, worried that over-exertion would exacerbate their ill-health."

"The results of our study, published in The Lancet in 2011, were clear – those patients given CBT or GET experienced significantly greater improvements in both symptoms and ability to do things, compared with either pacing therapy or specialist medical care alone. Not only were CBT and GET more effective: crucially, they were just as safe as the other treatments when done correctly."

"Whichever way the data is viewed, patients get better results from CBT and GET – both confirmed as safe . . . "

"This whole affair is perhaps saddest for the patients themselves, . . . However, if their campaign puts people off trying CBT and GET, it will be the patients themselves who will suffer the most."
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The wise nematode hibernates
Fiddling while Rome is burning. Very nice of him to give us a platform to politely shred that nonsense in the comments section. Fairly sure it will end up being a PR disaster for him. I'm standing by to click up the good comments.


Senior Member
My colleagues, Professors Trudie Chalder and Michael Sharpe, and I have spent our careers trying to improve care for patients with CFS/ME.

- by creating a fake campaign claiming patients are terrorist to shut down their voices
- by changing recovery outcomes that make you healthy when you have the capacity of someone suffering from heart diseases
- by dismissig any biomedical research that proves there's something physically wrong with us, and trying to cure us of our faulse illness beliefs
- by engaging us in harmful treatments
- by discouraging meicla care for us, poor delusional souls

Thanks very much Peter.


Senior Member
Can we get a gag order on Peter white through cmrc? He is being unprofessional. He gets criticism of his work and not even in mainstream news and yet he goes to the newspapers and gets a headline for himself how is this ethical?


The wise nematode hibernates
However, there is hope. First, the important message for patients is that it is possible to get treatment that will help them improve and for some to recover. Second, we agree with campaigners that we need more research into the causes and treatments of CFS/ME.

Anyone know what "more research" he's referring to there?

There are lies, there are damned lies, there are statistics, and there's Peter White.
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