It seems to me that most CFS patients are not grateful for the pioneering help they've recieved in this regard.
"Pioneering help"?! If you're being sarcastic you need to make it clearer.
"I think that psychological and social factors often will affect the way allmost all illnesses develop, disable and are treated."
You can read here about what the BPS model seems to think these factors are;
(I've yet to see the supposed "social" component used in ME/CFIDS as anything other than criticism of carers "enabling" disability etc.)
"The biopsychosocial model of health is based in part on social cognitive theory."
"This is in contrast to the traditional, reductionist biomedical model of medicine that suggests every disease process can be explained in terms of an underlying deviation from normal function such as a pathogen, genetic or developmental abnormality, or injury"
Funny that's just what's censured and what we need more of, in contrast to the abysmal failure of CBT/GET. All the helpful social and psychological helpful stuff oddly enough flows on from that, but it would be "validation" which is why Peter White et al don't want it. If cancerous cells were unknown in cancer the priority would be to find them, otherwise cancer would be as subject to abuse as with us.
"The biopsychosocial model presumes that it is important to handle the three together as a growing body of empirical literature suggests that patient perceptions of health and threat of disease, as well as barriers in a patient's social or cultural environment, appear to influence the likelihood that a patient will engage in health-promoting or treatment behaviors, such as medication taking, proper diet or nutrition, and engaging in physical activity.[6"
Small wonder the psychobabblers aren't willing to scrutinise this "model" very closely, it makes for a nice comfortable polysyllabilic velvet glove to compel your average "chronic fruitcake shirker" or "CFS" as the CDC misdiagnosed us ("unexplained fatigue" = mental illness), into popping some antidepressents, shutting up and ignoring their serious exertional limitations, while at the same time on a grand social-engineering scale generally, conveniently blur the boundaries between disease and irresponsibility.
"Since the collapse of the 19th century models (psychoanalysis, biologism and behaviourism), psychiatrists have been in search of a model that integrates the psyche and the soma. So keen has been their search that they embraced the so-called 'biopsychosocial model' without ever bothering to check its details. If, at any time over the last three decades, they had done so, they would have found it had none. This would have forced them into the embarrassing position of having to acknowledge that modern psychiatry is operating in a theoretical vacuum" (Niall McLaren)
It's our bad luck to get sick in an age where apparently huge swathes of the population are eating/drinking/lazing/thinking themselves sick, if public health arbiters are to be believed. Still, on most sites where BPS examples are listed they tend towards traditional psychosomatic/lifestyle illnesses than something you'd get a non-psychotropic drug for, which is a bit of a give away.