I just read this article: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/covid-19s-gut-connection and naturally was intrigued by the demonstration of persistent Covid viral particles in the gut. The work is fantastic! They demonstrated persistent viral particles in the guts of children who got the MIS-C syndrome following Covid infection. In case you're not familiar, it is a terrible complication often leading to severe cardiac and other organ involvement in kids, thankfully in less than 1% of kids infected. The etiology was unknown. Now they have not only elucidated the pathophysiology, that the persistent viral particles cause a kind of leaky gut thing, but have proposed and are trialing a med that can work to block the substance, zonulin that closes the junctions in the gut.
Anyway, as I said, this is just fantastic news for these children. In addition, it brings to mind the idea that there are likely persistent viral particles in the guts of ME patients ( a la Chia and Proal) and the notion that perhaps this treatment might help some of us as well.
Anyway, as I said, this is just fantastic news for these children. In addition, it brings to mind the idea that there are likely persistent viral particles in the guts of ME patients ( a la Chia and Proal) and the notion that perhaps this treatment might help some of us as well.