Participate in Virtual Lobby Day Today PLEASE!!!!!!


Senior Member
It looks to me like these wizards will only be available for a week, which is too bad. They should be up indefinitely. I noticed they included more many more email recipients than they usually do, which I think is extremely important.

Last time I checked, the names, but not emails of the congressional committee members were listed on the site. It almost seems to me they have an attitude of 'let's not bother too many people' about our requests. Instead, they should make it as easy as possible to contact all of the players. We are too sick to do all of this on our own.

Some action alerts are time sensitive, as Hope123 pointed out with the Congressional briefing. But the others are usually left up for some time, and I'm assuming that will be the case here as well.


Senior Member

I sent the link to five of my friends and my husband....they all sent in the pre-written letter and personal stories abt how my illness has impacted my life and our relationships. this is such a simple way for us to have our voices heard. if you have not participated, please do.

i also let obama and biden know, that despite my debilitating illness, i volunteered on their election campaign...let my other govt reps know that i vote and my family pays taxes....may sound silly but we are citizens of this country and deserve our government's support!!!!


Senior Member
I'm bumping this thread up to encourage everyone to send emails re: the CFSAC recommendations. Overall, Virtual Lobby day has generated over 5,000 emails but less than 500 have been sent on Lobby Day Action #2, the one that sends an email to the Secretary of Health (and others) urging action on the CFSAC's recommendations on blood safety and more. This is so important! Please take a moment to send your email (if you haven't done so already).


Patient in training
Jen, I believe this is only for US citizens, since the forms ask for zip codes can you confirm that please? Thanks!


Senior Member
Jen, I believe this is only for US citizens, since the forms ask for zip codes can you confirm that please? Thanks!

Zip codes are used to generate matches for media and representatives local to the advocate. BUT for Lobby Day Action #2 on the CFSAC recommendations, no zip code is required. Those emails are going to appointed officials at the Dept of Health and Human Services.

Go to the Virtual Lobby Day page, click on Virtual Lobby Day Action #2 and it should bring up the email form that you can personalize. The form asks for your country (way down at the bottom of that email page) Let me know if you encounter any difficulties with this so we can get it sorted out.


Senior Member
I'm a US citizen living overseas and I put in my current residence country and postal code (i.e. not the US) in my email via Virtual Lobby Day Action #2 to the Secretary of Health on the CFSAC recommendations, and my email went through. (I got the form letter from the Office back in response.)


Senior Member
It looks like the link is still working. With the German XMRV study there is even more reason for them to fund antiretroviral studies for XMRV starting now!