so you did have pale stools!?
Very pale. And for a long time. Thought the problem was insufficient bile. I was wrong. The problem was the bacteria in the gut.
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so you did have pale stools!?
Hi @dave11Very pale. And for a long time. Thought the problem was insufficient bile. I was wrong. The problem was the bacteria in the gut.
Hi @dave11
Sorry if this was already brought up, but did you have a stool pancreatic elastase test done?
Have you tried magnesium supplements for the constipation?...
I treat the constipation with an osmatic laxative (OsmoLax containing Macrogol 3350), but I only use it every second or third day, so that I don't become dependent on it (as I once was). I also make an effort to drink regularly throughout the day because prevention is far better than cure...
Yes, I once tried Magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) encapsulated myself which I gradually increased the dosage of; expecting a laxative effect to occur at some point, but it didn't work for me so I discontinued.Have you tried magnesium supplements for the constipation?
Hi GreenEdge,Yes, I once tried Magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) encapsulated myself which I gradually increased the dosage of; expecting a laxative effect to occur at some point, but it didn't work for me so I discontinued..
I've been improving gradually; the color is now about half way to becoming normal and I'm straining far less now than I was.
To make progress, I found I needed to take osmatic laxative on consecutive days. So instead of every second or third day; I cycled 2 days on, 1 day off. Going forward, as my stools become more normal, I'll switch to every second day, then as things improve further, every third day and so on until I no longer need to take a laxative. Then if ever a no poo day, take laxative that night or the following day.
Weirdly, even thou I'm drinking more water my pee has become very dark. I guess more water being drawn into my bowels (from taking the laxative) has caused my urine to become more concentrated. So I will need to increase my water intake even more.
Google say normal bowel transit time can vary anywhere between 12 and 48 hours from ingestion to excretion. After a curry meal, I've noted passing that meal 10 days later. When I told my doctor he didn't believe me. I think for me, the pale stool issue occurs from a transit time somewhere beyond 10 days.
...the color is now about half way to becoming normal ... pee has become very dark...
Thankyou, I shall raise this with my doctor at my next checkup.Have you considered Cholestasis?
Just an update. Had to convince the gastro to get a bile acids test which is just a simple blood test to check for cholestaisis. Just got results in and my bile acids are high and double the normal amount. This can indicate cholestaisis or other problems with the liver. If you have pale stools this should be a no brainer test to get. I dont know why it's so hard to get help sometimes. My total and direct bilirubin is also high.