(PACE Trial) Response to FoI request: Numbers within normal ranges for CFQ and SF36 PF at baseline


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I read somewhere, the other day, that good science is to create a hypothesis and then spend the rest of your time trying to disprove it.

Hi Bob , that is the essence of Critical Rationalism, a philosophy of science expounded by Karl Popper: hypotheses can only ever be disproved, not proved. Science is about debunking stuff more than it is about proving stuff, but somehow people forget that - too many want to prove their ideas right and don't do science that might expose them. Alex.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Every time I see these figures, I'm more flabbergasted than the time before.
They make a mockery of the 'recovery' paper.

Without seeing the raw data, it is possible that most of the participants who were reported as 'recovered' had absolutely no improvement in their SF-36 physical function scores after treatment with CBT. And we know that CBT made no difference to the 6MWDT scores.

But the 'recovered' participants reported that they felt 'much better', so that's OK then.
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Senior Member
But the 'recovered' participants reported that they felt 'much better', so that's OK then.

Most likely the CBT training consisted of having people repeat: "I am so much better. I am so much better. I am so much better" and then have them re-do the evaluation at the end.

That's why so much of the CBT research is flawed in my opinion.It doesn't prove that CBT can cure or that the cause is in the mind. It shows that you can condition people like lab rats or dogs to give the desired output the researchers want to see.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
The results for Coue's positive affirmations were a lot like laetrile for curing cancer. Most are happy, most convinced of cure or improvement, but some time later there turn out to be no cures In the case of laetrile this involved everyone being dead of cancer in a follow-up in Israel.

I think the cults of positivity are still trying to push these ideas.