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Ovarian Cysts - Hypothyroidism - Demyelination


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
To give you a very quick background to my mum's health, she was diagnosed with MS nearly 17 years ago and at that time was found to have a benign ovarian cyst but was never operated on.

Something has just struck me:-

MS is caused through demyelination. Xenoestrogens cause ovarian cysts. They also cause hypothyroidism. T3 that the thyroid produces is needed for the myelin and a deficiency in T3 can cause demyelination.

Methylation is of course involved in myelin basic protein.

Methylation is needed to create thyroid hormones.

Methylation converts estrogens into methoxyestradiol. Can it therefore convert Xenoestrogens to methoxyestradiol?

This sounds so obvious now or am I just going mad?


Senior Member
Sounds interesting to me april - tests showed "high spots" in the brain usually associated with demyelisation, hypothryroidism and I'm certain much pelvic pain comes from ovarian cyst(s) which they advised not to remove when I requested. I'm no scientist/Doc so hope another member will answer your question.