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Oura Ring or Garmin or Apple Watch


Senior Member
small town midwest
My resting heart rate of 68 bpm is high compared to 65 bpm in years 1 through 4
Yes, I notice my heartrate goes up when I am in a bad place too. But sometimes when I am in a really bad place it goes down- low 50s or even high 40s. Do you ever get that?

I find visible to be more helpful than garmin, but I get the best info when I combine them.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I've been using the polar armband with the visible app for almost a week now. One thing I notice is the battery life seems short. I charged it 100% yesterday now its down to 12%. I may have some setting that uses up the battery since others have not mentioned it. With the garmin it was the 02 sensor that ate up the battery, not sure why mine is doing that

The pulse rate is different than what the watch shows but its fairly close. I move the strap a little bit throughout the day and change arms each day because its not that comfortable. I'm still trying to figure out the pacing points and some other things. If I can solve the battery issue I might keep it. Otherwise no. I only paid for a month so I will decide soon. I'm almost fed up with the watch, I think it just gives us stuff to look at.

the strap told me today I'm overstressed and should take it easy but I'm not sure that is any more accurate than going by how I feel. With the watch, when I feel good the bb is likely to be low 20s or below. A bad feeling day shows the same. Does the polar strap work with other systems? I will probably send it back, for $15 or 20 a month I expect a lot. I kind of wish I had sent the watch back. Maybe I expect too much?


Senior Member
My Polar battery doesn't drain as fast as yours. Maybe get a replacement under warranty? Sorry that it isn't working for you, I believe you keep the strap. You can then use it with the regular Polar app.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I wrote them and they said charging every day is normal so I sent it back. The strap was uncomfortable but charging every day was the deal breaker. Maybe they are making them worse now than before?

They were very nice about it, sent me a return label and refunded me soon as I put it in the mail

I quit using the watch. The data it gave me was not very helpful, about the only useful thing would be heart rate because visible seem to be accurate on that but garmin just gives you a chart of high and low. Visible gave a more up to the moment reading. So maybe I will get a better watch later but maybe I will just not bother. One good thing about the garmin was it showed how your sleep was and like everything else, it sort of generally fit with how I felt. It showed what hours were good and which were bad but so what? I don't need a lot of data, I need something that helps