A point for Jill (in case she were thinking of challenging me on this) and an important question for Cort:
ETA: I have also asked this question of Cort on the thread:
Coalition4ME/CFS Pushes For CFS Be Classified as Neurological Disorder
which Cort opened yesterday, September 18:
I first became aware that the long-standing issue of the proposed coding of CFS in ICD-10-CM had been placed on the tentative agenda for the September 14 ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting when Marc-Alexander Fluks put out a notice on the Co-Cure mailing list, on August 20.
I had no information about which individuals or patient organizations or other bodies had got the issue onto the tentative agenda.
I was not aware that a representation (dated July 14) by the C4ME/CFS had been submitted to Donna Pickett nor that Marly Silverman and Mary Dimmock would be representing the C4ME/CFS at the
Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting on September 14 and making a presentation (nor the content of that presentation), until an announcement was put out on Co-Cure, dated September 12, by Mike Munoz.
As I've already reminded Jill, I am not a "group", I do not claim a mandate to represent others; any position on any issue that I hold, I hold as an individual, as an advocate for an adult patient and as a website owner who monitors a number of international issues of relevance to ME patients, carers, advocates and the patient organizations whose interests they represent.
The C4ME/CFS comprises the following member organizations, all of whom, one assumes, signed up to the representations made in its name:
CFS/Fibromyalgia Organization of Georgia, Inc.
CFS Knowledge Center
CFS Solutions of West Michigan
PANDORA Inc. - Patient Alliance for Neuroendocrineimmune Disorders Organization for Research & Advocacy, Inc.
Rocky Mountain CFS/ME & FM Association (RMCFA)
Vermont CFIDS Association Inc.
Wisconsin ME/CFS Association, Inc.
and Phoenix Rising
I do not consider that this joint initiative, led by Marly Silverman and Mary Dimmock, should have been taken forward without prior announcement; in my view, an announcement should have been made prior to the letter to Donna Pickett, dated July 14, that the Coalition had agreed to take this issue forward.
So although I support in principle the taking forward of the ICD-10-CM issue at the Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting and the initiative to lobby for CFS not to be retained under "Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions" and coded in Chapter 18 at R53.82, I do not support the way in which the C4ME/CFS has set about their initiative.
I have a big thing about transparency and I would like to know why it was agreed with the other Coalition member groups that this initiative would be taken forward without openness?
Phoenix Rising is a member of the Coalition.
Would Cort please explain to us why it was felt that this initiative should not be announced by the Coalition way back in May, June or July, when the letter to Donna Pickett was being drafted, in the spirit of openness and transparency and in order to allow time for informed public debate?
I ask this not to provoke confrontation with Cort or any organization or its reps, but I would genuinely like to hear from Cort the C4ME/CFS's rationale for approaching this initiative in this manner and whether Cort is comfortable with initiatives being supported in the name of "Phoenix Rising" but where the members of Phoenix Rising are effectively disenfranchised from inputting into initiatives that are being undertaken in their name.
With the expansion of Phoenix Rising and its registration as a 501c organization, this is an important issue that Cort needs to address.