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Ongoing NIH XMRV Research Projects

sensing progress

Senior Member
Tucson, AZ
Well, since the Minister of Health Canada said in an email to me that they would be pleased to fund research proposals for xmrv/cfs, except that they had not received any research proposal yet and that was many months ago, why doesn't the WPI partner with a research body in Canada and get the projects worked on partially in Canada? Can' t my country be leveraged to assist in doing some research work.

You should forward that email from Minister of Health Canada to Dr. Mikovitiz and WPI folks!! Contact info here: http://www.wpinstitute.org/about/about_contact.html


Senior Member
I remember sending Cort a copy and a copy to Dr. Jolicoeur in Montreal. I think i may also have it on this site. I think I may still have the email. will search when i get home. Think it came around january or februarey.