OMF(Open Medicine Foundation) OFFICIAL THREAD inc Q And A!


Spanish advocate
Hi Ben, I'm an advocate from Spain. Our situation is pretty bad here, MPs don't know the disease, doubt it is real and "CFS experts" aren't really updated, neither they use accurate diagnostic criterias and don't give us propper attention.

That's why I'm trying to collect some "official" info for them, because when patients (like me) give MPs or self-proclaimed researchers things like the IACFSME primer we just get ignored, they need other doctors to be the ones telling them to be updated in order to take the subject seriously.

I'm currently working with the #MillonesAusentes (#MillionsMissing in Spain) platform and already got a positive response from the Bateman Horne Center to work in some project to divulgate in Spain and/or in spanish (nothing formal, just a little tweet exchange) and I was thinking maybe OMF would be interested in helping by providing resources, writting some kind of communicate or similar actions.

Of course we would apport translators or interpreters if you need them and contacts with MPs, patients organizations or whatever you'd need.

We are seriously lacking concienciation and medical education.

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi @Ben Howell can I donate to OMF with bitcoins?

Hi @NexusOwl

Thankyou for wanting to donate! I like this for lots of reasons (I mine Ethereum myself and like all of this stuff!).

Short answer is currently no. I am going to talk to Linda about this and see if its a possibility.

What I have done before for OMF and Bitcoin is use an exchange to $ and donate that way.
