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OM-85 - Broncho-Vaxom to raise Percentage Natural Killer T Cells


Senior Member
OM-85 - Broncho-Vaxom.

I am surprised I found zero hits on the forum. My immunologist wants to perscribe it for my extremly low percentage of NK cells.

From what I understand, a huge amount of CFS Patients suffer from low NK Cell (not only low activitiy but also low cell number and % amount)

Bacterial Lysate Increases the Percentage of Natural Killer T Cells in Peripheral Blood and Alleviates Asthma in Children

I think this could be a very good approach to get my extremly low NK Cell Counts back into reference.
Anyone done it already?


Senior Member
Interesting! I suffer with low NK cell number too. IMD lab Berlin discover good work of my NK cells, this makes me happy, but count is really, really low.
In my cause it points probably to the ongoing chronic lyme.

Thanks a lot for this informations!

Last thing what I tried to support NK cells count was IP-6 Inositol.