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OK this is weird - mB12


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
It has been a while since I have reported.
I overhauled my program to fall in line with Freddd's ideas. I have noted step-by-step improvement with increasing mB12, addition of adB12, addition of l-carnitine fumerate, increased potassium, and the addition of choline products...in that order.
Two days ago, I walked for about 7 miles and then went for a swim without triggering a fatigue event. Brain fog has decreased to 10%, and sometimes less, on a regular basis (although as I type this it is higher). So, big improvements.

OK, now for something weird. When I came here I was taking mB12 1 mg by injection daily. I was following my Dr's suggestion. Now I take two 1 mg injections daily, plus 8 mg s.l. adenosylcobalamin and at a minimum 30 mg s.l. of mB12. I take the s.l. correctly and it lasts forever. I am using AOR 15 mg tabs which I break into quarters.

I went to my Dr to "confess" that I had not been following direction and to 'get a blast', instead he smiled and told me to continue what I was doing as my B12 level was right where he wanted it - around 750 (?units). I was expecting my level to be 'off the scale' and meanwhile it is just comfortably over the upper (North American) normal range!

Anyone come across anything like this before.....does it mean that I need more? I have "The Frailty Gene" TCN2++ if that makes any difference. brad


Senior Member
How encouraging, Brad. I'm so glad to hear of your progress; a 7 mile walk plus a swim, wow. I've also had good improvement with freddd's plan, and am up to 2 hr walks.
Your moderate B12 level can be seen as showing that you're absorbing B12 into your cells where you want it instead of circulating around in blood. And showing that you're using a lot... but why that would be I don't know.


Senior Member
Stridor, I'm new here, but in the course of reading & researching have read some of your old posts. Congratulations on your improvement!

Question for you: what's AOR?


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@whodathunkit and @helen1
Thanks guys. For the first time in years, I am optimistic that I could pull another 'rabbit out of the hat'. I managed to retire the diagnosis of bipolar (but I accept that if I were to drop all the pills, it could be hidden in their somewhere). I would love to win another fight and be one of the few who get to retire ME but that doesn't mean that I walk away unscathed. If you read my posts then you will know that I have lost effective functioning of my adrenals, thyroid, I need testosterone and I had my colon removed.

Healing has been exactly the way @Freddd said. I finally gave my body the amount of mB12 to initiate neuron repair and a couple of months later things snowballed. I think that there is room to take more mB12 but will wait to see if he has any input.

I have one ++ and 4 (+-) CRHR1 which is the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor as well as seven ++ NR3C1 which is the glucocorticoid receptor. My adrenals never had a chance against mercury poisoning.
PEMT four (+-) = a problem with choline metabolism and it is the one that I am working on now.
I ran my results through nutrahacker and have found the results to be enlightening.

AOR is a vitamin company. It is the highest concentration that I can find but I don't know if it is "gold standard". Maybe freddd will know. Hope you both continue to find your answers. brad
OK, now for something weird. When I came here I was taking mB12 1 mg by injection daily. I was following my Dr's suggestion. Now I take two 1 mg injections daily, plus 8 mg s.l. adenosylcobalamin and at a minimum 30 mg s.l. of mB12. I take the s.l. correctly and it lasts forever. I am using AOR 15 mg tabs which I break into quarters.

Hi Brad. Would the AOR B12 be this by any chance? http://www.aor.ca/products-page/advanced/methylcobalamin-ultra-4/

It's good to see another mega dose. I've found some mega drops with 2000 Mcg a drop.

Do you take it as one dose or split throughout the day. Sounds like you take it four times a day?

With the rest of the supplements, do you take them at a set time in a day on a empty stomach? I'm trying to work out a schedule for a friend and need some guidance of the order and when to take them.


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Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
Sorry, I am not getting notifications from PR consistently.
Yes, that is the product. I break it into quarters and spread it throughout the day along with 8 mg of dibencozide. I have decided to increase (even though doing so defies logic) as I want my level over a 1000. Yesterday, I had it on the go pretty much all day. I took over 50 mg s.l. plus my needles. BP went up to 160/84. B12 has a short half-life and I would suggest that taking them at least 4 times daily would be supportable. brad


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
At this time....and I don't consider this settled yet. I am taking anywhere between 4 and 9 capsules of sunflower lecithin and 2 capsules of citicoline. Are you familiar with this one? brad


Senior Member
At this time....and I don't consider this settled yet. I am taking anywhere between 4 and 9 capsules of sunflower lecithin and 2 capsules of citicoline. Are you familiar with this one? brad
Hmmm, I'm not familiar. Never heard of citicholine. What does it do differently that phosphatidyl choline, etc., doesn't?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
@ahmo Thanks, that isn't it though as I am signed up for this thread...yahoo hates me.
@whodathunkit It is an interesting one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citicoline
There are some interesting studies associated with it. brad

There are also threads here on citicoline.


I used to take it too.

As far as not getting notifications, if you miss clicking on one, you won't get more--even though you are signed up for them. That is why clicking on "mark forums read" when you leave for the day, works--it will keep your notifications coming.



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@stridor, yahoo hates me, too. I was in a 3-week-long dialog w/ them to be able to log into my groups, but no luck. At least I found that I could email responses to the digests I receive, even tho I can't get to the forum site. :rolleyes: