I have not posted about the talk yet, and I suspect others have not, because the talk went way long. This was due to fog having delayed Judy's flight for six and a half hours--she could have driven there faster--and thus arrived an hour and a half late to the talk. Annette did a nice job of reviewing, and Judy did a speedy version of her presentation.
I am totally exhausted from attending, and so will not even attempt to paraphrase, at least not just now. There was not a lot we don't already know, though things sound hopeful for treatment with a combo of antivirals and immune modulators.
I'll try to recap some highlights tomorrow if no one else does, or if the WPI/GMA doesn't put up slides etc.(There were some good slides.)
These two women are extraordinary. I wish I could award them prizes. There should be a Nobel Compassion in Action prize and they should share it.
p.s. I suspect if you check "Lannie in the Lymelight" there might be a good summary there before too long...