'Occupy @NIHdirector campaign' on Twitter


Patient in training
More Occupy NIH director twitter campaign on twitter:

1) Forgotten Plague: A Must See Documentary | Bill Johnson II #mecfs@NIHDirector@NIHprevents#mededhuffingtonpost.com/bill-johnson-i…

2) Frequent IgG subclass and mannose binding lectin deficiency in pts with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome @NIHDirector#mecfssciencedirect.com/science/articl…

As usual feel free to retweet, reuse, modify, favorite and whatever you want. A retweet will send another notification to Francis Collins. A favorite does not, but gives importance if someone sees the tweet. My twitter account is @katiissick


ME/cfs 1986
Thank you @beaker. Somehow I feel, we need to gain support from Director Collins.
I've gotten a bit behind. Past few weeks and this coming month or so are going to be extra hard. But I will try and catch up now and then when I can.
I did one of my own this am out to all the usual reps. Here's a link to one of them. You can easily find the rest ( 11 or 13 this time) by checking my tweet list. Please RT and F if you are able. It's a nice talk given last spring by morgan fairchild about need to focus on this disease and fund research.
this first was just to NIH and HHS but that's all I could fit in. The others check under my "tweets and replies" since I linked my tweet to new tweet to be able to fit all the invocations.

Thanks for all your effort @Kati.
And thanks to all the twitterers out there trying to make a difference.


ME/cfs 1986
I also want to point out to all : It never hurts to go back and tweet these again ! The more they hear, even if some repetition, the better !


ME/cfs 1986
Just realized why others weren't seeing my tweets and RTs to lawmakers Sharing in case others also didn't know this trick. Live and learn.

That’s where the period comes in: If you dot before you @mention, your Tweet shows up in the feeds of all of your followers. If you don’t dot before you @mention, your tweet is considered conversational and only shows up on your stream, the stream of whoever you Tweeted at, and those lucky followers you both have in common. - See more at: http://thesocialu101.com/tips-tricks-why-the-period-before-twitter-mentions/#sthash.E0L1u5sR.dpuf
NOTE: It’s important to know that this trick is only for when you @mention people in the beginning of your Tweet. Tweets with @mentions elsewhere do not fall under this category, so don’t go around putting periods before every person you @mention. - See more at: http://thesocialu101.com/tips-tricks-why-the-period-before-twitter-mentions/#sthash.E0L1u5sR.dpuf


Patient in training
Here is a twitter success, one of my contact is a virologist, from Australia and he posted about a patient struggling with post-ebola syndrome. It was a golden opportunity to discuss similarities from both diseases.

For those new on Twitter, follow people you would not normally follow. There is a need to interact with decision makers, physicians, researchers. Tweet chats (in particular health care tweet chats) will help connecting with these more prominent people. With a little luck they will follow you too. It means that when you post there is a chance that they will read your stuff.