This is now an OLD list, please go to this link for the new list:
Newly added text, for consideration, is in blue.
Our comments and questions from the discussions are in red/brown.
1a. An independent panel of Diagnostic experts will be created to create a complete differential diagnosis list of all other diseases and conditions that can cause the symptoms of ME and CFS. They will write a step by step easy to follow guide on how to rule out all the other diseases and all the tests that are needed to do this.
Clinicians and researchers who have already created differential diagnoses lists*, or have a track record in finding the misdiagnosed patients in the CFS group, will be consulted or included in the panel. This guide will be placed prominently on the CDC web site replacing its existing testing requirements.
*Clinicians and researchers should include those s
uch as, Dr Byron Hyde, Dr Shirwan A Mirza, the writers of the ICC and the writers of the IACFS/ME toolkit etc.
(I propose we create a comprehensive list of clinicians/researchers we think would have good insight into differential diagnoses.)
Alternate wording: "
...a comprehensive differential diagnosis list of other diseases and conditions, aiming towards the ideal situation of a complete differential diagnosis list of all other diseases..."
1b. It will then become compulsory for all patients who have suspected CFS or ME or have already been diagnosed with CFS or ME, to be offered the testing recommended in the guide that is created by this independent panel.
2a. A new definition will be created, that will be based on independently replicated science, the new definition will be based on the patients having had all the testing to rule out all other diseases, using the differential diagnosis list and testing requirements that will have been created when article 1a has been accomplished.
A review of the medical literature must be done, to compile a list of all physical anomalies that have been found in CFS and ME patients, such as SPECT, PET, MRI scans, NK cells, RNase L, VO2 max, POTs, NMH, (serum LPS, cytokine panel, dim cell/bright cell ratio (types of NK cells), elastase) etc. Tests for all anomalies will be performed in a replicated manner on all the patients in all the groups.
When creating the new criteria, it must not be assumed that the ME/CFS population representsa homogeneous population, and so research into sub-typing and cluster analysis of symptoms and biomarkers should be considered, and sub-groups should be created within the criteria, if appropriate.
From this information a new definition will be written, or two definitions, if it found to be two different illnesses.
Alternatives 2a:
2aii. A new definition will be created. that will involve a panel of physicians expert in the field of CFS/ME, and who have an understanding of the physiological abnormalities in CFS/ME patients.
The new definition will be
based on independently replicated published scientific papers in relation to the physical symptoms, and physiological abnormalities in CFS/ME patients.
The new definition will exclude patients who test positive for all other diseases, as per item no. 1., using the differential diagnosis list and testing requirements that will have been created when article 1a has been accomplished.
A review of the medical literature must be done, to compile a list of all physical anomalies that have been found in CFS and ME patients, such as SPECT, PET, MRI scans, NK cells, RNase L, VO2 max, POTs, NMH, (serum LPS, cytokine panel, dim cell/bright cell ratio (types of NK cells), elastase) etc. Tests for the most significant of these anomalies (as decided by the panel of experts) will be performed in a replicated manner on a representative selection of selected cohorts of patients in order to create the diagnostic definition.
When creating the new criteria, it must not be assumed that the ME/CFS population representsa homogeneous population, and so research into sub-typing and cluster analysis of symptoms and biomarkers should be considered, and sub-groups should be created within the criteria, if appropriate.
From this information a new definition will be written, and further definitions, if it found to be more than one different illnesses.
Alternatives 2b:
2bi. And a new name/names for the illness/illnesses will then be created based on the scientific findings.
2bii. When a new clinical diagnostic criteria is reached, the CDC should change the name of the disease to reflect the biological abnormalities and known pathologies. This may end up being ME or another name, but it should not be "CFS" as that name does not reflect the research that reveals the biological underpinnings of the disease. Until then, the CDC website should state that ME is a subset of CFS patients with the additional criteria of _______________, __________________, and _____________________.
2biii. And a new name/names for the illness/illnesses will then be created if required, based on the scientific findings. CFS will not be used for any of these illnesses due to the strong dislike for this name amongst the patient community because it trivializes the patients suffering, and because it has in the past been portrayed as a Psychiatric illness.
2c. Adequate Funding will then be provided to further research patients that fit the definition/definitions created by this process to find diagnostic tests, causes and treatments.
2d. The CFSAC and the Patient Community will be regularly updated on the progress of this project and the details of it.
3a. All CFS and ME patients in the USA will be officially recognized as having a serious Physical illness until such time as the science in sections 2a and 2b has been done and the answer to what this illness/illnesses is has been found.
3bi. CDC will advise/notify doctors and insurance companies, that CFS must be treated as a biomedical illness, and not as a psychiatric illness.
3c. The CDC will write on its website that CFS and ME are serious physical illness, until such time as the science in articles 2a and 2b has been done.
4. CFSAC should recommend that the CDC add myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), as defined by the ME-ICC and classified by the WHO, to its list of diseases.
Alternatives 4:
4i. That, consistent with its statement that “ME is accompanied by neurologic and muscular signs and has a case definition distinct from that of CFS,” the CDC will recognize the ME-ICC and its predecessor, the Canadian Consensus Criteria, as case definitions for ME, distinguishing ME (ICC, CCC) from CFS (Reeves, Fukuda).
Research on the ME/CFS population should not be carried out with the assumption that the cohort represents a homogeneous population.
4iii. That, consistent with its statement that “ME is accompanied by neurologic and muscular signs and has a case definition distinct from that of CFS,” the CDC should recognize the ME-ICC, as the case definition for ME, until such time as (articles 2a and 2b have been completed and) a new definition has been written based on replicated science. Until then ME-ICC will be used to distinguish ME from CFS (Reeves, Fukuda).
Research on the ME/CFS population should not be carried out with the assumption that the cohort represents a homogeneous population.
4ii. Given that Fukuda states that subtyping is required and that Fukuda fails to acknowledge the hallmark PEM/PENE, patients that meet the ME-ICC or CCC should be removed from the Fukuda defined patient population and referred to as ME.
5. More research funding for the biomedical model of illness, using CCC and ICC alongside Fukuda for all research, until such time as the new definition based on replicated science is completed.
Research on the ME/CFS population should not be carried out with the assumption that the cohort represents a homogeneous population.
Alternatives 5:
5i. More research funding for the biomedical model of illness, using CCC and ICC for all research, until such time as a new definition based on replicated science is created.
Research on the ME/CFS population should not be carried out with the assumption that the cohort represents a homogeneous population.
6. Research trials be carried out into Rituximab, and related pharmaceuticals, with these researchers communicating with Drs Fluge and Mella to help coordinate the research and provide details of how they select patients for trials.
7. Promotion of CBT and GET as therapies for CFS patients will be removed from CDC literature, toolkit and website.
can we be specific about what we want removed?)
Alternatives 7:
7ii. The CDC to remove all reference to CBT and GET from it's website, and clinicians warned that these therapies do not help the majority of CFS/ME patients, and a high proportion of patients anecdotally report being harmed.
The PACE Trial* demonstrated that CBT is ineffective at reducing phsycial disability in secondary care patients.
The PACE Trial demonstrated that only approximately 13% of secondary care patients respond to CBT or GET, but the trial excluded severely affected patients.
The FINE Trial* demonstrated that severely affected patients do not respond to therapies based on CBT that include components of GET.
In UK patient organisation surveys*, a high proportion of respondent reported being harmed by both CBT and GET,
when administered in ordinary clinical settings, outside of the highly controlled setting of a government-funded clinical trial.
(*I will provide references for all of these assertions, if we take this forwards.)
7. CBT can be an optional therapy for CFS patients, to help with the emotional issues of having a physical illness, and GET should be removed from CDC literature, toolkit and website.
CBT to assist coping can be an optional therapy for CFS patients but not for the purpose of modifying hypothesized dysfunctional illness beliefs, and GET should be removed from CDC literature, toolkit and website.
8. The CDC will remove all information from their website based on CF/idiopathic fatigue (Oxford and 'Empirical' studies) or meta-analyses and review articles conflating CF/idiopathic fatigue with ME/CFS.
should we be more specific about this and provide specific information about what we want removing, or at least examples?)
Alternatives 8:
8i. "The CDC will remove all information from the CDC's CFS website, CDC's CFS literature, & CFS toolkit, that is based on CF/idiopathic fatigue (Oxford and 'Empirical' studies) or meta-analyses and review articles conflating CF/idiopathic fatigue with ME/CFS."
8ii. The CDC will conduct a systematic review of all its past research, and removed from the CDC's CFS website, CDC's CFS literature, & CFS toolkit, any information and research that is based on on CF/idiopathic fatigue (Oxford and 'Empirical' studies) or meta-analyses and review articles conflating CF/idiopathic fatigue with ME/CFS. Any unretracted or unremoved research, which is based on the previously described criteria, must be clearly marked as outdated.
8iii. The CDC will remove all information from the CDC's CFS website, CDC's CFS literature, & CFS toolkit, that is based on CF/idiopathic fatigue (Oxford and 'Empirical' studies) or meta-analyses and review articles conflating CF/idiopathic fatigue with ME/CFS.
9. The CFSAC should review all their previous recommendations for clarity, utility, redundancy, and applicability. Based on this review, and a review of responses received from the Assistant Secretary and Secretary (if any), and the requests we outline, the CFSAC should re-issue.
Alternatives 9:
9i. The CFSAC should review all their previous recommendations for clarity, utility, redundancy, and applicability. Based on this review, and a review of responses received from the Assistant Secretary and Secretary (if any), the CFSAC should re-issue recommendations that address current priorities in ME/CFS policy in a clear and concise manner.
9ii. The CFSAC should review all their previous recommendations for clarity, utility, redundancy, and applicability. Based on this review, and a review of responses received from the Assistant Secretary and Secretary (if any), and the requests we outline, the CFSAC should re-issue recommendations that address current priorities in ME/CFS policy in a clear and concise manner.
10. The CDC will produce a state-of-knowledge article, updated annually, in relation to ME/CFS, so that the older research and current views can be put in perspective. This will be an annual review article to be published.
11. The CFSAC should aim to educate physicians, schools, social services, and the public through any means possible to it, including making recommendations.
(The reference to eduction has been placed back on the list, but with different wording - whoever first opposed the original item re eduction, please can you repost you objection if still appropriate.)
12. CDC should cease use of the surveys developed and presented in its "clinically empirical approach to the definition and study" of the disease, Reeves et al. 2005.
(Again, this has been reposted but with different wording. If the original objections still apply, then please repost them.)
Alternative 12:
12i. CDC should cease diagnostic use of the surveys in its "clinically empirical approach to the definition and study" of the disease, Reeves et al. 2005, and abandon the scoring system described in that paper (and in the Wagner et al. 2005Psychometric Properties study). CDC should replace the Chalder Fatigue Scale with a scale able to assess severe long-term disease(c.f. a paper by Jason, need reference).