After the shortened comment period Dr Newton presented the patient registry workgroup recommendation. Basically they want to make sure that a central registry is built and that all future research utilize and add to the registry. They tried this before, but HHS said No, of course. I forget the lame excuse.
"We don't want to make a recommendation that won't be supported." I don't know who said this, but if they really believe this the committee might as well just pack up and go home now.
They spent a lot of time speculating over the best way to convince HHS to support this, and speculating over just how to implement their goal. I've noticed they spend a lot of time in the weeds. Aren't they supposed to be advising on policy, not technical details?
The Name Issue - Part 42
Committee members are not fans of the new name. SEID has been poorly received or rejected by the community. ME has the broadest support among patients.
Betsy Keller of the IOM panel said, "A lot of names make no sense but we accept them."
The ICD10-CM (modified for Uncle Sam) says CFS and ME are synonymous and exclusionary at the same time. Huh? Obviously that is a logical impossibility.
"Will the physicians reject ME as a name?" The response was, "This is an opportunity to educate them". Doctors are willing to learn about ME but dismiss CFS. Someone asserts a name with "-itis" will encourage doctors "to order spinal MRIs to look for the lesions". (I hope doctors deal with disease based on their knowledge of the illness and not on the name. But maybe that is naive.)
Dr Fletcher said that patients around the world will appreciate adopting ME as the name. She is adamant about ME as the name.
"What about ME/SEID?" (I could hear the silent groan through the telephone)
I don't know who said this, but is sure got my attention:
Malcolm Hopper (UK clinician and/or researcher, I can't remember which) says an IOM panel member told him that they were under orders not to use ME as the name.
There was a vote on the recommendation to use ME; I think it failed to pass, but I couldn't tell. They really need to adopt Roberts Rules of Order and use a more formal process so everyone (including committee members) know what the hell is going on. Plus they could keep the agenda moving along. Informal is great for subcommittees but public meetings need to be run a little more formally.
After Lunch
How to cram giant round ME peg into tiny NIH square hole? Well obviously one has to make the hole bigger, doh. There is discussion of the very high rate of grant rejection by NIH.
It was about this time that the meeting saw a photo of a headstone with the words,
This was the headstone of Charlene (?) Irvine who committed suicide earlier this year after many years of illness.
Committee’s consideration of Questions from HHS
This was presented by Nancy Lee. It felt odd how she kept using the royal "We" to refer to HHS while also serving on the committee. I can't describe why - it just felt wrong somehow.
HHS wants CFSAC to tell HHS how to disseminate the new definition. I don't understand this at all. Isn't medical education a primary goal of CDC? Why would CFSAC be an expert in this area? There is much time spent speculating on medical education and how to do this. I couldn't make out what the committee's response is to this question.
This part of the meeting is so tedious to listen to I just want SCREAM. Sorry. I feel better now. How can people actually sit through eight hours of meetings in one day?

There was a brief discussion of Recommendation #6 from yesterday. The recommendation is for a federal cross-agency leader - I can't remember exactly what their duties would be, but yesterday they kept using the tile "Czar". I've never understood why officials in the US think it's a good idea to name a position after the title for Russian monarchs. I guess they prefer dictators over democracy.
The Name Issue - Part 43
HHS question # 3 is, should SEID be adopted across all HHS agencies? If not, what name should be used?
After much discussion, they voted to reject the name SEID (yay). They also voted to reject ME as the name.
The Name Issue - Part 44
They just can't get away from the name issue. Now there is more tedious discussion of which name to put in their other recommendations.
By this time in the meeting I just couldn't take it any more and hung up. I got two cauliflower ears from the telephone. Whew. I need a rest...