Well, in some ways, actually it pretty much is.
No offense intended, but I get the feeling you have little idea what is going on in Lyme.
There is a small core of very influential individuals that arguably wish that symptom cluster could be pared down to four or five symptoms, and would align with B31.
By doing so, the effect could be that thousands of patients could be left out in the cold if their symptoms were different, and/or if they suffered from a different strain/species.
It's a mess as it is with only the B 31 strain that is open to different symptoms.
This is not necessarily a fair and scientific process. Many feel the game is rigged.
This is precisely what people have been trying to advise you about.
EDIT: Even this is a gross oversimplification and misses many important overt and subtle problems.
Someone posted earlier about the interview with Willie Burgdorferi and Andy Abrams... A bang on the door ...someone from Rocky Mountain Labs saying he needed to moderate what was said,they didn't let him in ...When the cameras were turned off Willie Burgdorferi said " I didn't tell you every thing".
There is apparently a lot of secrets, Biowarfare, Plumb Island.The deciding members of the IDSA having conflicts of interest, Panel members have stepped down...And a lot of people trying to suppress information, like Alzheimer's and ALS connections to Lyme. Blatant lies like Shapiro in Under our Skin, saying he has never seen Lyme transmission transplacentally, or Fetal death as a result of Lyme.There is multiple studies and research showing both. (see video of Alan Mac Donald reviewing his pathology report of death from lyme)... These are the same people trying to keep the two tier testing just the way it is. Why is that so important . It has left tens of thousands of people dieing or homeless. While we are here debating on wether or not a doctor should be able to legally help someone on deaths doorstep. The real difference between ILADS Doctors and IDSA Doctors is: at a time of desperation, when your whole life flashing before your eyes, one group says your lazy and puts you on antidepressants or pumps you with steroids for pain.(which by the waw is one way to tell you have lyme because it becomes chronically active ,which is my personal experience). Or someone that will sit down with you, sometimes for hours, carefully documenting your life, exposure ,history, pages of Questioners and a gaggle of blood tests to have done asap. and sometimes putting you on a trial of antibiotics to prevent it from going chronic.YES...I've had doctors look me in the eye and say "so many people are going to halve to die before the proper research is done,so I'm sorry I just cant help you." Maybe thats fine with some of you, who are not the ones on the death list. But its NOT OK with me.Because I am on that list.
It is really beyond me why someone would put so much effort into debating about which test is best. none of them are perfect and that is the point. These sick people need help. People with Lyme understand this. Even the Micro Biologist Eva Sapi Changed from Cancer research to Lyme research after being bit by a tick and coming down with Lyme. She realized this was no little thing, it was major. Alan Mac Donald's father died of Lewy body Dementia ,which led him into Alzheimer's research as a Pathologist, He made the connection of General Paresis Dementia from Syphilis and realised a cousin of Syphilis ,Borrelia could likely be the cause of Alzheimer's.Most people have a reason for having such a huge interest in something. It is my opinion that some peoples reasoning is Questionable.