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New article "Top Ten Tips for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Holidays".


Senior Member
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Another perfect 10

So when are you going to write the definitive book on this illness?? Seriously, between the boards and all the articles that you've all ready written you have enough for a really good manuscript. And if you started the process of pulling it together slowly, you could have a ready to go book about the time that CFS really integrates into the main stream. I figure in about two years.

You are a very good writer, both technically and emotionally. Who helps you with editing???


Senior Member

I have thought about writing a book.

My naturopath Kelly brought the idea up two years ago, when I first started getting significantly better, combining her medical knowledge with my writing.

This at a time when I had not written an article in about 5 yrs and had no idea if I'd ever be able to again. She had faith in me and it nurtured me.

Mind you, most of what I've written since this August actually belongs to empowher.com ... but I expect I could write more ... :)

My husband Alan is my editor. More than once he has helped me out of writer's block or reassured me that something I had written wasn't rot. Or helped me fix something that WAS rot. :)


Senior Member

I got the message despite the translation difficulties you ran into in your post.

Thanks. :D


An editor you can trust is a god send


I have thought about writing a book.

My naturopath Kelly brought the idea up two years ago, when I first started getting significantly better, combining her medical knowledge with my writing.

This at a time when I had not written an article in about 5 yrs and had no idea if I'd ever be able to again. She had faith in me and it nurtured me.

Mind you, most of what I've written since this August actually belongs to empowher.com ... but I expect I could write more ... :)

My husband Alan is my editor. More than once he has helped me out of writer's block or reassured me that something I had written wasn't rot. Or helped me fix something that WAS rot. :)

If you don't think it would be too much you might want to consider it. We need someone to write a book that helps patients and families learn how to live with this illness. So far the books I've found have been personal stories or books targeted toward "fixing you" for money. A nice little how to right now could really help.

If this is a retro viral illness and 10 million or more people are walking around with the set up (XMRV) just waiting for a trigger that means that a lot of people will be in the same pickle as us in the not to distant future.

It also looks as if virus suppression, much like AIDS, is the going to end up being the treatment plan for a while and that won't be quickly at that. It won't be a cure but an ongoing fix. How to work with in the confines of that is going to be a puzzle for many.

You're a fine writer if you consider giving it a go I think you'd be the person to do a true job of it. It's a thought.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
Loved the article about the Holidays. I used to PUSH, PUSH myself. I am learning, slowly but surely, all the things you mention. I don't know why I was so stubborn...to the point of hurting myself with awful flares....UGH

You could write a wonderful book about living with CFS....

Just keep writing


Senior Member

I think all of us have at some time or another pushed ourselves too hard, and paid for it. Especially this time of year, there is so much we want to do and if we have family that we've always done special things for, we don't want to let anyone down. We want to be who we were. And we want the pleasure we've always gotten from making our families happy.

Very hard to discipline ourselves away from this. It goes against our very natures, doesn't it.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will keep writing. :)


Senior Member
It was a really great article, but it would be so, so nice if we could just pass on the holidays without feeling like we're letting everyone down. I can't take the stress anymore on any level and I end up resenting the whole season.

Hi cjbrennan,

Welcome to the forums. :)

I know what you mean. As I was just discussing with Marian, it is so hard to hold back from doing what we used to do. We struggle with the feeling of letting people down.

There is a lot of holiday stress that we're prey to. I think maybe the first step is letting ourselves off the hook, of being able to decide that we are not responsible for everyone else's happiness.

If we can accept that, and act on it, perhaps our families will follow suit.

Determining what we are and are not capable of (without wishful thinking and guilt) and then stating this to our families may help both us chronics, and the ones we love.

If we can express to them what things we need to cut out, and what things we need help with, etc. that may make the playing field clearer and easier to navigate, for all concerned.

It is a toughie, no doubt about it.

I sympathize with your struggle. You are not alone in it. :)