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new article on ncubator.ca, "On Rebuilding a Life"


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing your good news, any bit of news about recovery is always wonderful. I hope you are doing some more of the things you'd wished for yourself went you weren't able to actually do them.:victory::thumbsup: HURRAY!


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing your good news, any bit of news about recovery is always wonderful. I hope you are doing some more of the things you'd wished for yourself went you weren't able to actually do them.:victory::thumbsup: HURRAY!

Well thanks, girlinthesnow.:Retro smile:

I haven't really expanded much outside of my house yet, but I have been able to take on more freelance work, without it bending my cfs brain too much. And that is a great feeling, very encouraging to me.

I know when I hear that someone has improved, it encourages me personally to know that better days are possible. Much better than when I believed that things could only go further downhill.

I hope you will experience better days too.:Retro smile:


Senior Member
"I'd rearranged the furnishings in there, I started doing more around the house. I did more of the grocery shopping, I went for longer walks. I didn't go to bed in the afternoon because I didn't think I needed to and, anyway, I didn't want to. I never HAD wanted to and now it seemed like I had a choice."

I love to read your articles as they always ring true for me. I was just telling my husband last week how much it sucks to lay in bed all afternoon thinking about all the things you want and need to do. The house is a wreck, laundry, shopping, dinner, wouldn't it be nice to go to the gym. I don't know if people understand this. They think we are depressed, tired, in a rut. For me, I rarely sleep during the day, unless I am in severe flare. I just lay there...thinking of all the things I would like to do.

You are miles ahead of me. I keep repeating the same story over and over again. I feel better......try to make my life what it was......crash....over and over again.


Senior Member

I was doing that for years too. I went really chronic a little over 10 yrs ago, and it took until that time period I was writing about in that article, fall of 2007, to feel that good even for a few weeks. So that was after being really sick and repeating the crash cycle for 8 yrs at that point. It has just been the last two years that I've made improvements that have (mostly) stuck.

I was sure I'd never get out of that limbo. Nothing helped back then. I couldn't even have imagined what might help at that time. So ... you never know what might be ahead. And ... that doesn't have to be a scary statement.:rolleyes: Maybe it can inspire some hope, who knows.:Retro smile:


Senior Member
I have come through a few of these Steppin' Up times, each time a bit higher and a bit higher, and still I have not come to the top. But I am getting closer to it. And I will reach it.

You sure will Jody.Thanks for the inspiration.:victory:


Senior Member
Hi Jody-- Your description is so apt. Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting or lying around waiting for my batteries to recharge (like a cell phone or lap top), except I don't have a little icon monitoring how many "bars" i have left. And the "recharging" is boring. I'm glad you are able to write from home. Take care, J.


Senior Member
Hi Jody-- Your description is so apt. Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting or lying around waiting for my batteries to recharge (like a cell phone or lap top), except I don't have a little icon monitoring how many "bars" i have left. And the "recharging" is boring. I'm glad you are able to write from home. Take care, J.


A little icon letting us know how many bars we have left would be awfully helpful.:D

I'm glad I can write from home too. I'd be totally, completely, utterly screwed otherwise.:rolleyes: