Negative reaction to glutathione?


Senior Member
I'd take some B2, Niacin or NADH with the glutathione as well, and selenium

Quicksilver scientific just came out with a liposomal NAD+


Senior Member
Thanks for your prompt reply and I shall give a try.
I can't agree with you more on liver/gallbladder issue, and their role playing in chronic and complex illness.
After self-researching and self-experimenting in the last three years, it came down to me that the foundation of a good health is nutrients in sufficiently and wastes out effectively. Any block in this process can cause health issue.
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Senior Member
Thanks for your prompt reply and I shall give a try.
I can't agree with you more on liver/gallbladder issue, and their role playing in chronic and complex illness.
After self-researching and self-experimenting in the last three years, it came down to me that the foundation of a good health is nutrients in sufficiently and wastes out effectively. Any block in this process can cause health issue.

Exactly, that has been my experience. I find that adjusting things is required from time to time.

Something else that has helped is a little sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) which has quick alkalizing properties, I do not take it everyday, maybe once a week. Toxins are acidic and cause problems in energy, mood etc, the acids get built up via metabolic stress. Keep in mind that baking soda has some sodium which can effect potassium and magnesium.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
With any type of provoker, I always use a vacuum which are products that grab toxins to excrete them since there is no sense of provoking something for only it to relocate. Sort of the idea that if you try to clean a rug, take it outside instead of shaking it in the house where the dust will resettle.

Can you further explain how you might go about deploying a toxin grabber or vaccum......

Lets say- one expects a PEM crash may occur because- I'm going to walk around the block, or get an acupuncture treatment.

Would taking, say charcoal, or a clay some critical and strategic moment- work to sequester more of the LPS so we get less sick?

So when exactly would you "take it".?

so then there is the general situation where one may desire to increase detox generally- taking somethign extra to do that (like the ALA, for instance). How would one deploy a toxin grabber under those circumstances?

In my mind- passive charcoal...are going to absorb whatever they first I have trouble understanding how that can work in, say the colon. At the bottom end of a long system that includes the stomach, stomach acids, the food, etc.


Senior Member
Can you further explain how you might go about deploying a toxin grabber or vaccum......

Lets say- one expects a PEM crash may occur because- I'm going to walk around the block, or get an acupuncture treatment.

Would taking, say charcoal, or a clay some critical and strategic moment- work to sequester more of the LPS so we get less sick?

So when exactly would you "take it".?

Sorry for the long delay.

This could be a difficult question to answer. In my case, I contracted a gastrointestinal bug which has caused problems. One thing to consider is that immune activation causes quite a bit of toxicity (oxidative stress) and I know that this toxicity causes quite a bit of problems. Maintaining control over the toxins is a winning approach for me.

When the toxins are not in control, then I see problems with the neurological, energy, resistance etc. so I stay one step ahead rather than waiting for a toxin cascade to occur. One research paper turned the light bulb on for me in which rats were injected with toxins which spurred an adrenal response. Adrenal responses are very bad when it happens on a continual basis. They stimulate a wide array of hormones in the blood stream which causes

I take charcoal away from food or supplements, usually before bed. The others I take during the day. I have noticed that charcoal can pull toxins that at times leads to a histamine release (have trouble falling asleep). I hope I answered the question, if not, let me know.


Senior Member
I did a glutathione IV, which normally is 1,400mg pushed in rapidly. But I tried 300mg in a slow drip bag and ended up passing out, the doc had to give me dextrose from the crash cart. Anyway, the next day I was in tremendous pain and my kidneys had swollen up and went to the hospital for kidney failure. Then five years later I tried liposomal glutathione, I took a third of the dose, about a tird of a teaspoon and was thrown into such a huge detox I spent 10 days in the hospital and almost died. I couldnt eat or drink anything without tremendous pain. I have been chronically ill forever and I think I just had too many toxins built up in my system that were unleashed too quickly. I ended up just taking undenatured whey but it took me a year to work up slowly to be able to handle a single scoop of protein daily. Lesson is, go slowly if you have been sick a long time.


Senior Member
I have tried the "clean" chlorella you take but discovered a better and truly clean chlorella without contaminants made by Nature's Way.
I buy it exclusively from PureFormulas nowadays not from any other online vendors because they are the only honest one that I find faithfully following California Prop 65 giving warnings of contaminants. You will be amazed that most (sorry, it's majority) supplements are contaminated with heavy metal toxins.