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Needed: your best mood enhancers supps and strategies


Senior Member
@Skippa, how are you doing on your quest? I found a combo last week and it's made so much difference in mood, life, just about everything but exerting very much.


Senior Member
@Skippa, I think I said I've been on Ritalin for several years, wasn't my choice but had to to be able to function. Lately they haven't been helping much at all so I added about 150 mg. lithium to it and Bingo! I'm up and running....well, hobbling anyway, I have bad knees. But my passion for life seems to be back a little along with some energy.

I don't know if it will last or not, I have an appt. with my doc Thursday to discuss it with him, but you talk about a pleasant surprise. I have no idea if it'll help with CFS/ME or not. I came on here wondering if I might have it and doesn't look like I do but I stay for the wealth of info on here plus I hope I contribute some...ok, rambling again.

I hope it can help someone.


I've personally had very good results with SAMe and Selegeline.

Selegiline has been a real lifesaver during my 'black' periods. At low doses, it's an MAO-B inhibitor (which is what I want and like this you don't have to worry about avoiding cheese and wine). At higher doses, it's an MAO-A inhibitor, so you should keep dosages low. I order it from an online UK pharmacy (it's not scheduled, no prescription needed).

I've also heard of some people having really good results with inositol - 16g/day.

I second the suggestion from @SickOfSickness to try Lithium Orotate - my mother in law used it and had a very noticeable improvement in her sleep quality and mood.
NSI-189 has been the greatest mood enhancer I have used, it's stellar. The positive benefits on emotions stick permanently from what I understand (there's a 170+ page thread at Longecity if you want to read anecdotes).


NSI-189 has been the greatest mood enhancer I have used, it's stellar. The positive benefits on emotions stick permanently from what I understand (there's a 170+ page thread at Longecity if you want to read anecdotes).

I just looked up NSI-189. From what I read it sounds really interesting, but it seems like they are in the process of phase 2 clinical trials with it - where did you get it from? Were you part of a study?


Senior Member
I looked up NSI-189 and came across pyrazine that's in it that comes from some vegs. like bell peppers...it was a wine page that I pulled up I guess and I wondered why some of dry red wines had peppers in them. YUCK!

I'm a supertaster and always have to ask if the wine has peppers listed, now I know why.

It really sounds interesting though (NSI-189) but I saw methyl in part of it's loooong name. Does anyone with problems taking methylated supps have a problem it?
Sorry for the late response. The only trustworthy place to get it at the moment (outside of Neuralstem trials) is a member on the Longecity boards 'Strangelove'. He's been providing it for a couple years now with good CoA's, lots of anecdotes in that thread.


Senior Member
San Francisco

I'm gonna need some mood enhancers (i'm really susceptible to dark depression when changes are afoot in my neurochemistry) to get me through a few bouts of acute depression that are likely to come over the next few weeks.

These are chemical changes due to neuroplasticity, so all the thinking techniques in the world (of which I have plenty) aren't gonna help too much to lift that underlying feeling of doom.

I know turmeric can work sometimes, and saffron too (although I find saffron much too mild).

What are your go to mood enhancers - short term, not long term; I'm already on SSRIs and they do sweet f all for acute depression.

Thanks :)
I've tried quite a few ADs and really you need to find an MD who is willing to work with you. I finally got an SNRI that did the trick, afters years of intense depression.


Senior Member
@Skippa , just wanted to let you know that my "up" feeling went down the drain after a little over a week.

I cannot find something that works and will keep working, I hope you fare better on that level.