Need some tips


Senior Member
My husband is going in for surgery next week; abdominal. He will have lifting restrictions, and have to rest for at least a week. He does a lot; shopping, cooking, and some house cleaning on weekends. I can barely help around the house; I can load the dishwasher or washing machine, empty them, etc. I can prepare light meals; heat soup, make a sandwich, for example.

During his week of recovery, I will be the designated driver after surgery, but the location was changed from a local hospital, to one in the neighboring city. Which means a twenty minute drive, and a long wait, either in the hospital or out in the car until he is discharged. I can probably nap in the car, and he will try to be supportive for the drive back since my peripheral vision is shot.

Does anyone have any suggestions for making things easy on both of us? I planned to have him prepare a large pot of chicken soup before hand, which can then be frozen and easily reheated for meals. Laundry I can do, and run the dishwasher. But due to brain fog I am having trouble planning ahead and am getting overwhelmed with the added responsibilities I will have. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

maybe some day

Senior Member
West coast
Not sure where your located, but check out the instacart app for groceries. Shop online, and have them delivered. Many local stores participate . You do pay more for some items, but if time and health are at a premium, then its worth it. Quick meals, like a packaged salad.. grab a bottle of dressing, side of french bread for a dinner. Or cook up some spaghetti, some sauce.. pasta night!

Do laundry on days where you dont have to do much else. Dont feel you have to do everything, it can wait. Dont sweat the small stuff.
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Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I second grocery delivery. I live off boxed organic salad, cubed ham, or pre cooked organic chicken slices. Sometimes organic lunch meat if I can find one that doesn’t bother me. Shredded cheese. Meat and veggies salad with little prep/ energy.

And I gave up on wipes, just plain water on paper towels to clean cat sick. Hydrogen peroxide if sterilization needed on counters.

There are a few organic frozen meals I tolerate.

For breakfast I make a pan of eggs using liquid eggs in a brownie pan, with salt and flavoring added, some pre shredded cheese. After baking and cooling, cut into 9 squares and freeze in ziplock bags. They heat in the microwave well.