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Need help with Niacin


Senior Member

I have been taking around 4000 mcg of mb12 along with some co-factors daily for the last 3 months. These days I have been experiencing a rise in feeling over-stimulated and uneasy all the time. I can express the feeling as wiredness/anxious etc. I have been reading around on what it could be, and the first thing that comes to my mind is that I might be over-methylated. Now, from what I have understood,Niacin can be used to deal with that.It eats away the methyl groups,right?

How much of Niacin should I take?

I just want to balance the cycle and not discontinue the protocol. I want to know the right dosage so that the protocol can be continued and the over methylation can be dealt with Niacin. Any experiences and suggestions you might like to share about niacin will be very helpful.
