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Need help with Mattress saga


Senior Member
I think this calls for some "thinking outside the box". What can support the human body and provide the right combination of softness and support, and not release unwanted volatiles? Would a bag of beans, buckwheat husks, or wood shavings work? I tried a hammock, but it made my back sore, but maybe it works for other people.

Some mattresses that provide the right physical properties but release problematic volatiles might work if you encased the mattress in an impermeable bag (made of something that doesn't itself release volatiles). Some plastic sheeting probably releases some volatiles (from the manufacturing process) immediately, but then become safe. You'd need a soft mattress cover over that.

Since you are sleeping on a foam mattress, is the foam not releasing volatiles, or is the cover blocking those? My foam mattress had a strong chemical odor at first, but that faded. Maybe a properly aged foam mattress would be safe for you.

One would think that in this modern age, someone would have solved the problem of selecting the proper mattress for an individual.


Senior Member
At the minute I have to try and sleep on a massage table, which is preferable to any mattress. It's only a couple of inches of foam
if foam works for you, cant you get a few meters of foam and switch them every few month? you could put the unused foam place somewhere to de-fume, after 6 month they should be fine. so you get a fresh mattress every few month.
if foam works for you, cant you get a few meters of foam and switch them every few month? you could put the unused foam place somewhere to de-fume, after 6 month they should be fine. so you get a fresh mattress every few month.
It's a fair idea, I did get a big block of foam from efoam a few years ago, as well as a foam pressure mattress overlay. They still bother me chemical-wise and they were quite firm.

There's a pocket spring memory foam mattress upstairs which is manageable comfort-wise if I stack it on top of another mattress, but it still makes me sick. I can't lie on my sofa to sleep without getting the chemical sensitivity symptoms (runny nose/eyes, headaches, sore throat etc), but I can sit on the armchairs of the set without a problem. It's bizarre and unpredictable.

Whatever the softest REM-Fit mattress is (that's a UK bed-in-a-box company) was comfortable, but when one of my family members saw me the next day they were convinced that someone had punched me, such was the swelling around my eyes.
I think this calls for some "thinking outside the box". What can support the human body and provide the right combination of softness and support, and not release unwanted volatiles? Would a bag of beans, buckwheat husks, or wood shavings work? I tried a hammock, but it made my back sore, but maybe it works for other people.

Some mattresses that provide the right physical properties but release problematic volatiles might work if you encased the mattress in an impermeable bag (made of something that doesn't itself release volatiles). Some plastic sheeting probably releases some volatiles (from the manufacturing process) immediately, but then become safe. You'd need a soft mattress cover over that.

Since you are sleeping on a foam mattress, is the foam not releasing volatiles, or is the cover blocking those? My foam mattress had a strong chemical odor at first, but that faded. Maybe a properly aged foam mattress would be safe for you.

One would think that in this modern age, someone would have solved the problem of selecting the proper mattress for an individual.
It's not a foam mattress, it's a massage table with 6.5cm of foam. It's the Porta-Lite Delta, having checked. I got it second hand in 2018. It's possible that the cover is blocking VOCs, or perhaps the foam just wasn't made with whatever is annoying me. Some foam products are OK, some aren't, just trial and error.

I do find that when I encase mattresses it tends to make them firmer. I'm probably going to buy a new version of that massage table and with a bit of luck I'll get at least six months out of it. Maybe one with deeper foam would be better.


Senior Member
i got a similiar problem, in my new flat i didnt even get a couch, instead i got a minimalistic metal frame and just a matress and am using it as couch. it took like 2 month until the new matresses didnt fume off anymore... or not that much.

i tried to use a new polyrattan chair for my balkony but its to intense, i returned it. now i also get metall frame for this. if the pillows are bad i can just just a standard matress for this. i hope this works out.

in terms of plastic i think good polypropylen is fine, it doesnt gas off or smell. but it depends how they finished it, if their is some extra stuff like UV light protection or softeners etc. on it it might not be anymore.
so china PP might be not working.

there is also the possibility to get thin charcoal filter matresses / foils and place them on top of your bed or around it. it should absorb all the smellings.

i am now getting my furniture all in metal and glas. no wood, no plastic.


Senior Member
I have MCS and delicate body so lots of problems but solved now. A futon was too hard so tried a few toppers. No good when it became too much for my joints to get on the floor.

It is solved now but will not probably help many as it was $$$. I got backdated PIP that did the trick! The single mattress is hand made in the UK, organic wool plus horsehair. Top end. 3K. It has to be flipped weekly for first 6 months but is lovely. Should last the rest of my life and more (74).
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Senior Member
I do find that when I encase mattresses it tends to make them firmer.
Maybe that's due to too small of an encasement. If it was loose-fit, it shouldn't make it firmer. If it's friction between the mattress and cover, an extra layer or two of slippery sheets might solve that.

Stores selling lumber often offer free tarps (used to cover lumber in transit and storage). These are, AFAIK, woven polypropylene, and I haven't noticed any chemical odor from them. They are unsuitable for long-term use (break down), but they might be a free test of the theory of encasing a smelly foam.


Senior Member
Here it is ?? years later and I'm still not satisfied. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have a king sized bed with twin mattresses. It's mechanical, for better or worse.

My husband has the other side. Unfortunately, even with all of my aches and pains during the hunt for a new mattress, I fell and broke my pelvis in a number of places, oh, more vertebrae also. So no matter what I do I'm either slouched over or in more pain than ever.

Sure I can take pain relievers, and my internist is helpful, but in my case this is also known as "old age." I'm hardly going to risk surgery at this point as I can still walk around the house, however my arms are getting very weak. This harkens back to one of my separate neurological illnesses. One I've had surgery for, then another for another one and on and on it can go. There's always someone willing to operate.

So I'll hold onto what I have, try not to burden anyone too much and be thankful for most of the meds and vitamins I take. Mattresses....sadly, it seems have changed; most forever! If it's your body, you'll never be the baby bear who is "just right." Good luck on your hunt. I know the feeling! How about a lounge chair...have you tried one yet? That may be just the answer you're looking for. Yours, Lenora

Mouse girl

Senior Member
I've had a terrible time with new versions of mattresses, myself. they are all way too soft for me, with the only exception of the very hardest of spring mattresses and then adding a topper but still, the new versions of "firm" is not really firm. an older one I had in the past was so great, it had a very firm base and then lovely cusion pillow top, so I got some comfort but not too much softness in the "core". this was an old beautirest when they used to make firm with pillow tops (now, they only make medium or soft with pillow top). the beautirest only needed some airing out in another room for awhile for me. other brands were so bad chemical wise, had to return. I've had back issues ever since not having my old mattress.

I did find a lovely natural bed that was made with only cotton and spring, but had to add a topper as the springs did hurt as I got in and out of bed. other natural ones had latex which was awesome foam wise as it was firm but had nice support but turns out, if you have hayfever, you can end up with allergies which can get bad with latex. I had allergic reaction after a a week or few days, so that went back. the latex smelled so good though, so fresh as did the natural bed, but I just had the hayfever, so was allergic to the real natural latex.

I can't remember if we are allowed to share websites or not. I think I got the natural one from usmattress.com but I don't see any that are just cotton and springs, they seem to only have wool, cotton and latex ones. I don't remember if it is the same company or not, these are more expensive but everything is so expensive now. it is so hard.

I wish I had any good ideas but I tried so many things and I do have chemical issues, but with only some chemicals and not as bad so some people have them, but they are bad compared to normal people. I was thinking of trying to get a new mattress again this month.

we had an old spring one from Ikea that was surprisingly good with a topper but this was years ago and when bed bath and beyond was around and they had a few nice toppers that weren't chemically.

I hope you can find something that works.
It's not a foam mattress, it's a massage table with 6.5cm of foam. It's the Porta-Lite Delta, having checked. I got it second hand in 2018. It's possible that the cover is blocking VOCs, or perhaps the foam just wasn't made with whatever is annoying me. Some foam products are OK, some aren't, just trial and error.

I do find that when I encase mattresses it tends to make them firmer. I'm probably going to buy a new version of that massage table and with a bit of luck I'll get at least six months out of it. Maybe one with deeper foam would be better.

I've come to the conclusion that I can't make mattresses work for me at all. Got two new cheap-ish soft ones, and whatever I do I can't lie on them for more than a couple of hours without PEM. Even if I knock myself out with sleeping pills I wake up in agony. In a way that's fine because now I never have to go to a mattress shop again.

The new massage table is coming tomorrow. It's been a rough week because the foam on the old one I've been sleeping on has completely compressed and is thus very uncomfortable. I'm hopeful that I'll get six months' use out of the new one, and honestly paying £400 every six months to not have PEM so severe that I want to die seems a bargain.

I went to see my cousin last week and was sitting on her sofa for circa six hours, not only was it comfortable but there was also no smell to it. They were thick foam seats with no spring unit. If it comes down to it, I'd be able to ask her where she got it and buy one myself. I'd rather sleep on a sofa than a massage table, in a sentence I never thought I'd have to write!!!

At the end of the day I'm 35, still fairly mentally adroit and more physically able than I have been since I was 20. There's shit which I'd like to do, and this is the massive obstacle which is preventing me from doing so.


Senior Member
I went to see my cousin last week and was sitting on her sofa for circa six hours, not only was it comfortable but there was also no smell to it. They were thick foam seats with no spring unit. If it comes down to it, I'd be able to ask her where she got it and buy one myself. I'd rather sleep on a sofa than a massage table, in a sentence I never thought I'd have to write!!!
many folks sleep on a sofa. i did for years when i was healthy as did friends. i think this isnt uncommon for young folks in germany.

but if you know which one tell me too.


Senior Member
They were thick foam seats with no spring unit.
You could ask the manufacturer what kind of foam it is, and try to find a supplier of a mattress-sized piece. A mattress might be more comfortable than sofa, especially if you move a lot in your sleep.
You could ask the manufacturer what kind of foam it is, and try to find a supplier of a mattress-sized piece. A mattress might be more comfortable than sofa, especially if you move a lot in your sleep.
In theory, in an altruistic world this wouldn't be a problem.

In practice, I've asked for specifics on several occasions (be it the few discontinued mattresses which worked for me in the past, the foam they're using on the massage table, the foam which has been used on previous sofas) and gotten nowhere.

I think in all likelihood the sales team who handle emails don't have a clue and you're never going to get through to the technical team who actually make the products. Usually get the generic "this product has been discontinued, here's a new one which is broadly similar", which of course generally isn't. Of course, cynically these are generally big businesses and they're not about to reveal their supplier.

I suppose the fact that the sofa is a two seater with thick foam seating without a spring unit means that they probably would be in a position to help out, but I'd likely have to contact someone at the very top of the business and try and explain the bizarre situation in as rational a manner as possible.