Need donations to counter NIH McClure/ $$$ for major PR for upcoming MCWPA projects!


Senior Member
Introducing The ME/CFS Worldwide Patient Alliance (MCWPA) Zazzle Store!!!

We are very pleased to announce the opening of another MCWPA store where you can buy stylish merchandise to raise awareness about XMRV and support our efforts!

Please join us in making a visual impact by wearing a t-shirt or a button to a media event or public venue, giving a travel mug or grocery tote as a gift, even sending an MCWPA gift to your doctor or local political figures along with a copy of our Washington Post ad as a friendly way to educate them about XMRV and make our efforts known. has allowed us to easily add slogans to our logos on a variety of merchandise, and they look great! Here's the link:

Please show your support for the MCWPA and put your order in!

Feedback regarding and is being taken on the patient discussion forum:

As you already know, we are raising funds for a press release in anticipation of the next positive XMRV study! We need to be ready to run with it.

The MCWPA Team


Senior Member
Myra McClure is in BED with Simon "The Weasel" Wessely - NO! NOT IN THE USA!

Bill Reeves, the CDC sociopath must be laughing his bald head off. Myra McClure. The Weasel's little idiot buddy on the US NIH Peer Review board. As you all may know, the Weasel and the Sociopath Reeves are also in bed together (don't imagine that image, you will vomit) - so now one of the Weasels little idiots is on the US NIH Peer Review?
Nice job - but it ain't gonna work.

WE are the US Taxpayers. WE are enraged. WE are going to make their lives a living hell for as long as they try to keep McClure on that board. Further, it is indeed time to get rid of the rest of the losers on that Peer Review board. See Cort's summary on those on the board. We have the shrinks - of course we have the shrinks - they need the money but they must go. We have dentists. They need the money. They too must go. We need REAL virologists/retrovirologists that are not biased (like McClure) or stupid (like Reeves and McClure and others). So scream and keep screaming. Eamil, phone, letter, fax - keep it up.
WE PAY THEM- Don't LET THEM FORGET THAT. WE pay their salaries and they need to be fired.