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Nausea, cold extremities, and peeing lots!

West Yorkshire, UK
I have relapsed recently and am currently experiencing usual fatigue etc, but also a storm of nasty neurological symptoms and I’m not sure what I can do to control them.

the symptoms are:
  • Nausea
  • cold feet
  • needing to urinate very frequently
  • dizziness
  • shaking hands
  • tinnitus
  • arm and leg muscle twitches
The symptoms fluctuate from one day to the next so I’m trying to rest as much as possible, but I can’t spot a pattern to the fluctuations.

What causes these symptoms? Do others get these symptoms? What do you do to alleviate them?

many thanks


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
Apart from shaking hands I am familiar with the symptoms (I have/had though sometimes spontaniously twitching of arms hands, fingers, legs or even back when being in bed).

You might look at manganese intake (maybe in combination with caffein or sugar).

For the causation I have only my own theory. I think that in the basal ganglia and thalamus relative too much synaptical actions back- and sidewards at the expense of actions forewards and around. I think that these directions are encoded by mechanisms using different metals and VitB´s.

The theory cannot be proven by today´s investigations. To my kowledge the strongly supposed synpatical changes in Parkinson´s haven´t been shown either (only the histological changes are well recorded).


Senior Member
A few things to consider looking at:

Thyroid function

  • To have the thyroid properly checked, it would include all six of these tests: free T4, free T3, reverse T3, TPOAb and TgAb antibodies (to exclude Hashimoto autoimmune), TSH.
Blood sugar function

Important Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance Measurements (all before breaking fast)

1. A1c. "Low" carb means something slightly different for everyone, but if your A1c is too high (5.3% or higher) you should try to lower carb intake as it can indicate excess sugar or carb intake.​
2. Triglycerides. If your triglycerides are high (<100 mg/dL is optimal) you should try to lower your carb intake as your liver is transforming excess into energy storage.​
3. Ketones. I also try to keep my ketone level around 0.5 or higher, but I never go to extremes and never add exogenous ketone salts either. Great indication of diet quality.​
4. Insulin. Higher than 5 uIU/mL is an indicator of too high carb/sugar intake and/or start of insulin resistance​
5. Blood glucose. <100 mg/dL is the expected norm, but <85 is better for longevity and health.​
6. C-peptide. Indication of insulin production​

Nutrient deficiencies

Have you checked for any malabsorption and nutrient deficiency issues? Something like Genova Diagnostics - FMV gives a great overall picture of nutrient deficiencies, neurotransmitter metabolites, microbiome dysbiosis including SIBO and candida, pancreatic enzyme issues, and many more. Great Plains Laboratories has organic acid and nutritient level tests. A comprehensive stool test can also give a wealth of info.

Also, have you taken a hard, honest look at everything you eat and drink? Do you know how many calories you need and take in? How many grams of carbs per meal and day? Have you kept a food diary to see if there are any correlations? Any supplementation or medicine would also help to keep track of to see whether they are having a negative impact.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I experience episodes of: suddenly dumping urine and it usually lasts for a few hours, but occurs infrequently and I am not exactly sure what is triggering it. I blame mast cells...it has nothing to do with the liquids I"m drinking.


Senior Member
I have relapsed recently and am currently experiencing usual fatigue etc, but also a storm of nasty neurological symptoms and I’m not sure what I can do to control them.

the symptoms are:
  • Nausea
  • cold feet
  • needing to urinate very frequently
  • dizziness
  • shaking hands
  • tinnitus
  • arm and leg muscle twitches
The symptoms fluctuate from one day to the next so I’m trying to rest as much as possible, but I can’t spot a pattern to the fluctuations.

What causes these symptoms? Do others get these symptoms? What do you do to alleviate them?

many thanks
Nausea for me is histamine related. Food allergies, high histamine foods. meat that isn't fresh etc all cause bad nausea for me. Low histamine diet and the occasional antihistamine aimed at nausea helps me.

Cold feet and hands are a constant issue for me. Poor circulation. Dysautonomia. I find woolen socks very helpful. I use a heated throw blanket all day and all night and a hot water bottle at night.

Frequent urination.... I hate this. All day and all night I am like a yoyo. MCAS for me is the cause. Along with Gastroparesis during the night. Night time wanderings are reduced for me by doing a lot less. Pacing. Resting.

Dizziness - POTS for me. So I drink more and have more salt. I have gotten used to be dizzy a lot. If it gets closer to blacking out than just dizzy I try to be very careful and go rest.

I have no solution for tinnitus. Had mine since I was 8 years old. Some say MCAS can cause it.

Twitches for me are improved with magnesium oil I rub in after my wash. At the point the tiwtches are bad it can take 2 months to recover for me so I try to be vigilant daily.


Senior Member
I got nausea, inner tremor which can but doesn't always include shaking hands. And cold feet, particularly the right foot. I also got muscle twitches, but mostly in tongue, right eyelid and sometimes in the ear! (would you believe it? There's a muscle in the ear.) And when it spasmed, I got drumbeats. 4 beats a second interspersed with a syncopated rhythm; not related to heartbeat. I also got many palpitations, and the heart is a muscle.
I got all that from the word go.

All tests, scan etc came back normal. I simply treated symptoms, if and when I could: ginger for the nausea (it helped a lot) So did a very small tot of brandy.
Magnesium (chelated magnesium glycinate) -which seems to have stopped the eyelid twitches and ear drumbeats, but hasn't affected the heart palpitations very much.

In my own case I haven't done a lot that is pro-active. I have just waited on time. And gradually over 22 months, some symptoms have lessened of their own accord. The nausea generally has eased a lot just by doing very little except treating it symptomatically. I can still feel it when I crash but more mildly and I can cope.

The cold feet....I just stick 'em closer to the fire and massage them. That's the best I can do and it helps.
Oddly, one thing I've noticed is I never get chilblains any more! (no way I understand that.) I got them every winter when I was fighting fit.
But that is me. And that is not the same with others.
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Senior Member
Also, I'll just add that many years ago a GP of mine told me that any kind of body pain can make someone pee more. He didn't even know why! Just said that it happens.

But that of course is dependent on whether: there is no blood sugar abnormality, no urinary tract or kidney abnormality, and there hasn't been a huge fluid intake....etc
I don't get nausea but I do pee a lot and also get body jerks and the shakes and also get really cold hands. I find that taking magnesium helps with shakes and body jerks (specially the body jerks).