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NAG is making me nauseaus (sp?)


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I won't bore you with the set up but based on @Hip 's thread on anxiety I got some NAG with the off chance it might help me with something that could be adrenal, anxiety or alien invasion.

I took 700 mgs yesterday on an empty stomach, dumb on my part. After the nausea passed an hour or two later, my "problem" was gone. Yippee

So this morning I wised up and took 700 (Hip's recommendation) with food. I still got nauseated but not nearly as bad.

For those who have taken this, will the nausea ease up? I can stick it out or I can split a cap.

This is my first time taking this so I have no idea how this works.

Thanks and please tag me.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I just ate some carbs and I'm nauseated again. The problem it is solving (clueless as to why) is much worse than spacey of nausea for me.

I slept crap so not sure if that's why I feel horrible but that's not the nausea.

I'll split a cap and see unless someone has more info.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
While you are trying to figure out your nausea problem, do ginger or a little baking soda in water help relieve symptoms?


Senior Member
I think I did come across one other person who had some stomach symptoms taking NAG. I don't know why this is.

You could try dissolving the power contents of a NAG tablet in say 30 ml of warm water, and then applying it to a large area of body skin, to try to get it do absorb transdermally (much like people apply magnesium cream transdermally). That might prevent the nausea.

The only other thing I can suggest is trying some of the other anti-anxiety supplements in my list. NAG I found to be the best for anxiety, but there are many other good ones. For me, no single supplement is powerful enough to eliminate all my anxiety, so I have to take several of these supplements together, such that their combined effect is strongly anxiolytic. I believe most of my anti-anxiety supplement likely work through their anti-inflammatory action that lowers brain inflammation.

While you are trying to figure out your nausea problem, do ginger or a little baking soda in water help relieve symptoms?

That is a good idea. And if you took the ginger say 30 minutes before the NAG, it might it even prevent the nausea. Ginger reduces nausea via its 5-HT3 receptor antagonism. And if you really want a potent anti-nausea supplement, get hold of some lemon essential oil, and take 5 to 10 drops (diluted in cooking oil of course, not neat).

Lemon essential oil contains a very potent 5-HT3 antagonist, apparently much more potent than ginger.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Hip anxiety is not my current issue. I just was grasping at straws. Bought a few things to see what would work.

@perchance dreamer When I get nauseated nothing helps. Not even an Rx. I Just have to tough it out.

And now that I got nauseated twice after I ate something that does not get me nauseated I dont know about continuing orally. I took one at 2 yesterday and after the nausea passed I was fine. Today not so much. Weird

I like your idea of opening a cap into some lotion so I may take a break and try that over the weekend.



Senior Member
@Hip anxiety is not my current issue. I just was grasping at straws. Bought a few things to see what would work.

I appreciate that. Though because a lot the supplements on my list I think reduce brain inflammation, and because brain inflammation has been linked to a number of mental symptoms or conditions (eg depression, bipolar, OCD), as well as of course to ME/CFS itself, these supplements may potentially be good at treating a range of mental symptoms.

You don't happen to have seasonal affective disorder (SAD, aka: winter depression), by any chance? I suffer from SAD, and as the light gets dimmer at this time of year, SAD symptoms may kick in. Usually I get depressed from a lack of light, and I use a bright SAD light next to my computer which works well to combat SAD.

But this year, for some reason, I found my SAD condition was triggering other mental symptoms, not just depression, which then cleared up once I started using my SAD light.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Depression and anxiety is not the symptom I have right now and rarely is for me. Nag is the first thing I tried, because why the hell not? I'd eat rat poop if it would help.

I live in California and like the dark. SAD isn't an issue for me

I wanted to know about the nausea because dr Google didn't know. Transdermal is a good idea. I'll try that over the weekend